Wednesday, April 19, 2017

4/19- Stormy Times

Good Wednesday all-

First off, I cannot begin to apologize for missing this long. Totally my fault as I had other things taking my time...and the weather has been rather uninteresting lately. With finals coming up...I cannot promise updates as frequently as I would like. I should be back to a regular update schedule by mid-May. 

Today is going to be a miserable day at least in terms of temperature, with highs only in the low 50s, but at last any precipitation should hold off until later tonight, as a cold front moves through. It's a pretty weak one, but some showers are still likely overnight tonight. Tomorrow morning, some showers are possible in the morning, but the bigger story is tomorrow evening, when a far more significant rainfall event is possible with generally .5" to 1" of rain likely. As for the weekend, Saturday is the better of the weekend days, as rain appears likely for Sunday, and that could potentially be pretty significant, so I'll be watching.

In the Atlantic, a subtropical low is trying hard to become Subtropical Storm Arlene over the far eastern side of the basin, and it may succeed today as it drifts slowly east, but it poses no threat to land and will be dead by tomorrow whether it develops or not

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