Monday, May 1, 2017

5/1- May Starts Wet

Good Monday all

Ready for more rain? No? Too bad, unfortunately, as wet weather has arrived over the region, with showers and thunderstorms likely during the overnight hours tonight. This is associated with the devastating storm system that has killed around 20 people across the midsection of the country with tornadoes and flooding. Fortunately, I do not expect anything like that, but it still will not be pleasant, and the umbrella will be needed later tonight, primarily in the overnight hours. After this, we dry things out for at least the next three days before we get stuck with a total washout on Friday.

^^^Current GFS showing pouring rain on Friday afternoon

Temperatures should be in the upper 60s to low 70s, which is very near the average for early May.

Image result for happy may

Today in weather history- May 1, 1854- The Connecticut River in Hartford records a depth of 29 feet, the highest level ever recorded at that time. This occurs after a 66-hour long rainstorm floods pretty much the entire northeast region. Our weather has been bad lately, but not THAT bad!

It has been that bad in Texas & Missouri, however, and my thoughts & prayers go out to those impacted by the extreme flooding and strong tornadoes.

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