Monday, July 24, 2017

7/24- Active Pacific, Rain, and a Beautiful Week Ahead

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be a real clunker of a day with temperatures struggling to reach 70...and in many cases, I do not think that they will succeed. Unfortunately, this rain will be with us pretty much all day today as well, but the rest of the week looks absolutely stunning. Tomorrow looks pretty amazing, with mostly cloudy skies and temperatures in the mid 70s. Although I cannot totally rule out a shower...I think it's rather unlikely. Wednesday and Thursday look pretty terrific as well, with temperatures in the low to mid 80s, low humidity, and bright sunshine. Friday looks like the worst day of the next 7, with coolish temperatures but showers and thunderstorms likely pretty much all day before we clear things out and set up a beautiful weekend!

The Atlantic basin is quiet at this time.

The Pacific is extremely active, with Tropical Storms Greg and Irwin, as well as Hurricane Hilary. None of these pose any threat to land, but it's worth noting Hilary will likely be a major hurricane and Irwin a hurricane as well!

Today in weather history- July 24. 1942- The all-time record high of 117 is set at Las Vegas, NV. To be honest...I'm genuinely surprised that that area has not seen a higher temperature through the years. I think this record is very breakable, considering their location and susceptibility to have extreme heat in midsummer.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

7/18- TS Don, Stormy Week, Hot and Humid Too

Good Tuesday all-

Well, this week is going to be pretty similar to today...and that's not too great for us with constant heat and humidity likely for much of the next 7 days. The best day of the next 7 looks like Sunday but that isn't saying much- especially since there are thunderstorms likely in the afternoon. Expect a heat wave for the next 3 days, with temperatures likely exceeding 90 degrees inland with temperatures generally around 93. The thunderstorms this afternoon look to be very isolated in nature, but don't be shocked if you get a quick downpour and rumble of thunder later this afternoon.

The Atlantic has come alive, with the formation of Tropical Storm Don east of the Antilles. It briefly intensified overnight, but it has now weakened to a low end tropical storm and will likely die in the east Carribean in the next day or so.

The Pacific is hyperactive, with Major Hurricane Fernanda weakening from category 4 intensity down to category 2. That's not all though- Tropical Storm Greg and Tropical Depression 8-E have also formed. Some impacts may be felt from Fernanda on Hawaii, but we don't expect anything too significant there. TD 8-E is expected to be Tropical Storm Hillary in the near future as well.

Fernanda was an exceptionally beautiful storm at peak intensity, as shown below

Image result for hurricane fernanda

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

7/11- Messy morning, better midday, messy evening

Good Tuesday all-

Well, a very interesting day of weather is in store for us here in Connecticut. We have this batch of rain right now moving through that will be gone in an hour or so, and when it does things will be much better, but unfortunately that sets us up for some severe weather this evening. A MARGINAL risk of severe weather is up for later this evening, and we are likely to experience widespread storm activity in the classic storm timeframe- 5-7 PM as a general rule. The longer term forecast remains on track from yesterday.

In the Atlantic- The Euro won the battle of computer models as the tropical wave we were so closely watching died in the east central Atlantic.

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Eugene is about to meet its' final demise, but a new system appears likely to form around the weekend. Neither system poses any threat to land, however.

Today in weather history- July 11, 1888- Snow falls all the way to the base of Mt. Washington, NH- an extremely unusual event for this time of year- imagine SNOW IN JULY!

Monday, July 10, 2017

7/10- Beautiful Today, Storms Return Tomorrow?

Good Monday all-

Today is probably either the best or second best day of the year so far, with highs likely to be in the low to mid 80s with bright sunshine and low humidity. Unfortunately, tomorrow looks like a much more problematic day, with widespread thunderstorms likely, especially in the afternoon. The SPC puts the severe risk at a rather mundane MARGINAL risk, but that does mean we have to watch out for some gusty winds & medium sized hail.  The rest of the week will feature a risk of thunderstorms literally each and every day, with the best chance coming Thursday night and Friday.

In the Atlantic- A complex forecast is developing with a new tropical wave off the African coast. The GFS develops a major hurricane in the Caribbean by the end of the week...whilst the Euro kills the system on Wednesday. That's about as divergent as they we shall see which is right. It's much too early to determine where this will travel, but models have suggested this one could be a threat to the United States. Additionally, the remnants of Tropical Depression #4 are trying to redevelop east of Florida, but that seems somewhat unlikely at this time.

Pacific- Major Hurricane Eugene has weakened and will now die as it gets into the colder waters of the northern Pacific. It poses no threat to land except for rip currents on the Baja California peninsula.

Today in weather history- July 10, 1989- A massive F4 tornado strikes Hamden and New Haven CT, doing over $100 million (1989USD) in damage. This is, although unusual, not unprecedented for the state- it is one of only 3 F4 tornadoes in state history- the others were in Windsor Locks in October 1979, and in Wallingford in August 1878 (which remains the deadliest tornado in state history)

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

7/4- A Perfect Fourth

Good Tuesday all-

Happy 4th of July!!! May it be filled with baseball, bbq's, fireworks, and family!

Today is going to be a perfect holiday. Highs will be in the low 80s, bright sunshine will prevail, humidity will be pretty low, and there is no chance of rain! That's fantastic, and highly unusual, for this time of year- we won't complain for sure- especially as fireworks light up the sky later tonight! In fact, the next three days (today through Thursday) look extremely similar. The next chance for rain comes on Friday, when widespread showers and thunderstorms are highly likely to impact the region, and they could last into Saturday morning. Sunday looks absolutely fantastic, but rain appears to return to the forecast again for Monday.

The tropical wave in the east Atlantic has organized faster than expected, and is on the brink of becoming either Tropical Depression 4 or Tropical Storm Don later today about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands and the Lesser Antilles. This bears watching, as although it will likely be weak for quite some time, the CMC and European models seem to want to bring this system into New England by the end of next week (with the CMC bringing near hurricane conditions to the state. This is highly unlikely). That never we'll just have to wait and see.

Image result for happy 4th of july

Monday, July 3, 2017

7/3- I'm Back- Isolated Tstorms

Good Monday all-

It's almost the 4th of July, and the weather certainly is going to feel like it the next few days. Today is going to be a very typical day for July, with high temperatures generally in the mid-80s and primarily sunny skies, but there is a small risk of thunderstorms this afternoon- but it's nothing to worry about as we are only under a paltry SEE TEXT risk of severe weather. Tomorrow looks absolutely perfect for the holiday- highs in the low 80s with bright sunshine and no chance of rain at all! Wednesday looks similarly nice, but Thursday night rain moves in and at least parts of Friday look very wet indeed, as does Sunday, so the weekend does not look all that great for now.

The Atlantic Basin has a tropical wave in the deep tropics that appears likely to become Tropical Storm Don later this week. Exactly what is the final fate of this is far too early to know however, some models want to take a strong hurricane towards the Bahamas. It's worth watching here though, as the models seem to put it in a relatively dangerous spot for SNE. Keep an eye on it.

The Pacific is likely to pick up two named storms this week as well, but they pose no threat to land.

Happy July Fireworks

Today in weather history- July 3rd- Nothing really noteworthy has happened on this date. Let's see if that changes today- honestly though, I doubt it- most of the nation is expecting relatively mundane weather today