Tuesday, July 4, 2017

7/4- A Perfect Fourth

Good Tuesday all-

Happy 4th of July!!! May it be filled with baseball, bbq's, fireworks, and family!

Today is going to be a perfect holiday. Highs will be in the low 80s, bright sunshine will prevail, humidity will be pretty low, and there is no chance of rain! That's fantastic, and highly unusual, for this time of year- we won't complain for sure- especially as fireworks light up the sky later tonight! In fact, the next three days (today through Thursday) look extremely similar. The next chance for rain comes on Friday, when widespread showers and thunderstorms are highly likely to impact the region, and they could last into Saturday morning. Sunday looks absolutely fantastic, but rain appears to return to the forecast again for Monday.

The tropical wave in the east Atlantic has organized faster than expected, and is on the brink of becoming either Tropical Depression 4 or Tropical Storm Don later today about halfway between the Cape Verde Islands and the Lesser Antilles. This bears watching, as although it will likely be weak for quite some time, the CMC and European models seem to want to bring this system into New England by the end of next week (with the CMC bringing near hurricane conditions to the state. This is highly unlikely). That said...you never know...so we'll just have to wait and see.

Image result for happy 4th of july

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