Monday, December 25, 2017

12/25- Gee, thanks Computer


I'm baack- sorry it took so long, but this time it wasn't nmy fault- my computer underwent a fatal hard drive error about two weeks ago and thus I have been unable to update.

That said, I'm back! And I'm glad to be- I just got a new, fancy laptop for Christmas and I'm loving it!

Now, the weather is very festive, with a moderate amount of snow having fallen across most of Connecticut this morning. In Naugatuck, it seems I have picked up roughly 3", which brings my annual snowfall up to 15"- about one third of the average annual snowfall in the last two weeks, beginning with Winter Storm Ali dropping 7" on me on December 10. Since then, a series of 2 or 3" snowfalls has improved my totals up dramatically.

Now, onto the more important part of the weather- a frigid (and I mean frigid) week ahead, featuring temperatures of 15 or so for highs and near to possibly sub-zero lows by the middle of the week. The next chance for snow is next weekend, and the threat appears to be pretty substantial, so we certainly have to keep a close eye on it as we approach new year's eve. For what it's worth, January looks to feature below average temperatures with at least average amounts of snowfall.

I wish everyone the very merriest of Christmases and hope you enjoy the last week of 2017!

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