Thursday, November 17, 2016

11/17- STORM WATCH- Active Pattern Developing, Thanksgiving Nightmare?

Good Thursday all-

One yes one, week to Thanksgiving and this is not the time for the weather to become active but, lo and behold, that's exactly what's going to happen and we are about to be in for a major cold spell that will likely produce some snow. I am closely watching two systems- one for Sunday and another for Thanksgiving Day (ouchy!). The next few days are going to be absolutely incredible though so take time to enjoy them--seriously! Highs will be near or even slightly above 60 degrees with bright sunshine! Sunday's system, however, is going to be a very strong cold front that will do a couple of things. First, it will send temps from the 60s to the 30s, and feature rain eventually mixing with and changing to snow. Flurries will be around Monday, but Tuesday looks good. Clouds increase on Wednesday until...well...

Thursday has the *potential* to feature a major snowstorm from NYC to Maine if everything comes together. I think that the places most likely to get a significant snowstorm are off to our north in the White and Green Mountains, and pretty much all of Maine, but I cannot rule out a significant impact here in Connecticut. As we are a week out, things can and will change, but obviously that's a hugely important forecast and I will keep you informed as the time gets closer.

The tropics remain as they were on Tuesday.

Today in weather history- November 17, 1927- A strong long-track tornado hits Washington, DC, injuring 31 people and striking the Naval Air Station, which recorded a gust to 93mph

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