Monday, June 5, 2017

6/5- A Miserable Week Ahead

Good Monday all-

Well, this is not the start of the week we were hoping for and, unfortunately, it is not going to get any better this week- if anything, in fact, it is likely to get worse! Today will continue to be cloudy & showery, with the bulk of the showers focused in the afternoon hours. The few strongest showers could produce some thunder...and thus the state is under a SEE TEXT risk of severe weather...but a MARGINAL risk exists just barely to the west of our area. Tomorrow and Wednesday look like just an absolutely miserable couple of days, with consistent rains and cool temperatures. Thursday and Friday for now look largely dry but with some thunderstorm activity in the afternoon. This is changeable, however, as an offseason nor'easter will be close by to our area at that time. I'm watching it closely. Regardless of that outcome, additional rain is likely Saturday afternoon into Sunday. Temperatures throughout this time period will range from 60 to 80, with the 60s earlier in the period and the low 80s later- primarily favoring the weekend.

Unsurprisingly for this early in the season, both the Atlantic & Pacific basins are quiet.

Today in weather history- June 5, 1859- An extreme cold snap drops 2" of snow on Ohio, and causes frost for the entire northeast...including Connecticut...ouch...what a total shock that must have been!

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