Tuesday, June 6, 2017

6/6- Epic Cold

Good Tuesday all-

What a truly miserable June day this is- in fact, it is going to be one of the worst on record. Highs today have already occurred- and they were in the low 50s! By the afternoon, I suspect most of us get stuck in the 40s. Are you kidding? This is much more what we would expect in April as opposed to June. Additionally, rain will fall on and off pretty much all day. Ugh. Thankfully, this is just one day- though admittedly tomorrow doesn't look all that much better with high temperatures in the low 60s with still clouds & showers likely. Thankfully, we finally dry things out beyond that and send the temps through the roof- they'll increase each day until ultimately reaching the mid-90s by Monday.

The Atlantic and Pacific basins remain quiet this morning.

Today is D-Day. Thank you to all the vets of that day, and all those who served in WWII. We have precious few years left with them, so let's make sure that we take the time to remember exactly how much they gave for the future of both our country and the world as a whole.

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