Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Good Wednesday all!

A FLOOD WARNING has been issued for all of Connecticut as we expect 3-4" of rain over the next 48 hours as it rains very hard at times throughout the day today. To make matters worse, we won't get out of the 40s for HIGHS today as the Northeasterly wind keeps things frigid. Tomorrow, however, we could reach 70...but still see heavy rain in the forecast...I think most people will take that, however. Beyond that, it is average temps and scattered showers abound! Either way, I think that most people can safely plant their flowers now as I don't believe it is likely that we freeze again. Enjoy!

Today in weather history- April 30, 1054- The first tornado in recorded history occurs in Kilbeggan, Ireland, beginning an era of destruction that has lasted ever since.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This is NOT what you want to hear...sorry! Don't kill the messenger!










Yikes! Nothing dry beyond then either- showers last into next week! Enjoy the 2-4 inches of rain!

Monday, April 28, 2014

4/28- Rain, rain rain rain!

Sorry for not updating this morning!

STORM WARNING is now in effect for all of Connecticut for the rainstorm from Tuesday at noon to Friday at 6 AM....for the potential of 3-4 inches of rain during this time. Unfortunately, the chance of rain is high for Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun, and Mon! Yes, it really will rain all week- although it will be more of the showery kind starting Saturday...Wednesday and Thursday it will pour all day and ruin everybody's outdoor plans. Sorry for the bad news!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

4/26- Wet to white to even wetter...

Good Saturday all!!!
A STORM WATCH remains in effect for Tuesday through Friday of next week.

Today is going to be quite miserable, as it is going to rain most of the morning, then dry out until about 4-5, then rain hard again tonight! Then, temps plummet overnight and it may change to snow!!! Yes, it really might, especially in northern areas! This would be one of the latest snowfalls on record in New England, so it would certainly be noteworthy (If anyone is wondering, the latest recorded snowfall at Bradley is 1.2" on May 9, 1977). Beyond the potential snow this evening, we dry out for tomorrow and Monday before it pours, and pours, and pours, and pours...from Tuesday all the way to Friday! Needless to say, over 2" of rain are possible and therefore requiring a storm watch. Unfortunately, I will have no access to my computer until tomorrow afternoon, so I'll update then! In the meantime, here is my 7-day

Today- Rain, especially before noon and after 4 PM and potentially mixing with or changing to snow overnight. High 55.

Tomorrow- Sunny and average temps. High near 60

Monday- Similar to tomorrow. High 64

Tuesday- Heavy Rain and temps in the 50s

Wednesday- Heavy Rain and temps in the 50s

Thursday- Heavy Rain and temps in the 50s

Friday- AM showers finally ending mid-afternoon. High near 60

Today in weather history- April 26, 1989- A massive tornado hits the slums of Bangladesh and kills a whopping 1,300 people- by far the deadliest tornado on record anywhere in the world. 12,000 people are injured, and 80,000 left homeless by the storm

Friday, April 25, 2014


Good Friday all- (TGIF!)

A STORM WATCH has been issued for a rainstorm that is due to arrive next Tuesday, not so much for the amount of precip involved, but for the fact that it is going to rain...and rain...and rain...and rain some more. In fact next week's forecast looks like this:

Monday: sunny
Tuesday: PM Showers
Wednesday: Heavy rain
Thursday: Moderate rain
Friday: AM showers


Unfortunately, tomorrow is also looking wet as a rainstorm associated with a nice cold front (again!) makes it's way into Connecticut. Also- and do take this with a grain of salt as it is so hard for this to happen this late in the season...some models are forecasting....dare I say it? An accumulating snowfall tomorrow night? Granted, it would be something like 2-4" but still, it's almost May! For crying out loud, will this never end? (I hope not, but I bet most of my readers do ;) )

Today in weather history- April 25, 1875- New York City picks up 3" of snow, their latest snowfall on record. Dare I say that this may be in trouble tomorrow night? Unlikely, but possible!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


- National Weather Service

4/24- Today's story...strong wind!

Good Thursday all-

A couple of advisories to let everyone know about here...a RED FLAG WARNING has been issued for dry conditions and winds gusting to 45 be careful if you burn things. Also, a FREEZE WATCH has been issued for interior southern Connecticut as temps will drop to below the freezing point tonight. Despite that, today's headlines are going to be the very strong wind and below-average temperatures as it was a cold front that gave us the precipitation yesterday. After today, though, it doesn't exactly look pleasant beyond tomorrow. Rain is likely all day Saturday (the storm appears to be tracking close enough for a rainstorm to occur). As currently modeled, as much as 1/2" rain could fall...but that is subject to change. Also, a MASSIVE rainstorm is possible from Tuesday to Thursday of next week...enough to the point where a storm watch may be required tomorrow if trends continue. As it is, enjoy your Thursday!

Today in weather history- April 24, 1899- One of the more miraculous tornado stories occurs as three people are tossed into the air by a tornado, thrown a quarter mile...and survive without injury. A horse also was thrown one mile...and escaped without injury. As odd as this seems, there is precedent to this in more recent history, and tornadoes have behaved in this manner before. It is truly all luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

4/23- Nice in every way!

Good Wednesday- and enjoy some dry weather!! Indeed, I think it's safe to take rain out of the forecast for this weekend for now as high pressure dominates and the rain simply won't be able to hold together in Connecticut and the rest of the Northeast. Instead, the weather for the next several days looks quite uniform- sunny with highs in the 60s inland, 50s shoreline and partly cloudy conditions. Don't be stunned if there's a shower this morning, but that's about it!

Today in weather history- April 23, 1870- Iowa's "Estherville Vindicator" first uses the term "blizzard" to describe a heavy snowstorm with strong winds. 144 years later, the term is official, and it's use is widespread (and generally enough to induce excitement or fear in people)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

4/22- Here comes rain!

Good Tuesday everyone-

Unfortunately, though, the weather today is not the greatest...especially in the afternoon. Low stratus clouds will be on the increase through the day, and by the late afternoon, moderate rain will spread over our area as a cold front moves through, knocking the temps back into the mid 50s tomorrow. I expect 1/4" to 1/2" of rain statewide this evening and tomorrow morning (thunderstorms are also possible), and then we can enjoy several days of cool, but dry, weather, until around Saturday when the next chance of some rain occurs in Connecticut (though we may get off the hook too...we'll see!). There is likely to be a freeze several times in the next week or so, by the way, so I'd hold off on planting for another week at least! This has been some of the worst spring weather in terms of cold I can remember...incredible how cold we've been in general to start 2014.

Today in weather history- April 22, 2003- Tropical Storm Ana becomes the first tropical storm on record to form in the Atlantic in April, as it does so halfway between Bermuda and the US. Ultimately, tropical storm conditions occurred on the island of Bermuda as the storm moved east, with negligible US impacts except for some high surf. The name Ana was last used in 2009, and will be used again next year (2015)

Monday, April 21, 2014

4/21- Boring weather=great news!

Good Monday all- (and welcome back to school for some!)

A fantastic day is in the works today as the temperatures are likely to soar into the low 70s inland with potentially slightly lower figures (high 60s) on the immediate shoreline. It will certainly feel like spring has sprung by the time everyone leaves school and work today- enjoy it! Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, however, and the warm weather does tomorrow night as a cold front produces rain tomorrow night and knocks the temps down by 10-15 degrees, as most temps will be in the 60s from Weds-Fri. Even worse, a large coastal storm is trying to develop and give us rain with perfect timing for the weekend! Just wonderful right? Either way, enjoy this weather- it will certainly provide a taste of things to come!

Today in weather history- April 21, 1996- An F3 tornado hits Arkansas, and catches people by surprise because a loss of power resulted in the officials not getting the warning in time to sound the sirens. This leads to the death of 4 people and 90 others injured

Sunday, April 20, 2014



It will be an average day today with clear skies and temps in the low 60s today and our weather will, in fact be quite dry until Tuesday night, but Monday and Tuesday's temps will likely reach the 70s! when as much as an inch of rain comes our way. Beyond that, a few nice days are likely before a new rain event comes our way for Saturday, but we are far to early for details on that. Sorry for the short post today, but that's what happens when you get non-interesting holiday weather!

Today in weather history- April 20, 1941- A record heat wave continues in the northeast, as temperatures in Connecticut reach 89-95 degrees!

US: Current Weather

As you can see, nothing much to speak of today...anywhere!

image source:

Saturday, April 19, 2014

4/19- A cold Easter followed by warmth and rain

Good Saturday everyone and happy Easter weekend!!

Today's weather is going to be nothing to write home about. We will experience (surprise!) below average temperatures once more today- I think many locations will be trapped in the 50s today once more, though some areas (especially north) could get to 60-62 or so. On the positive note, no precipitation will occur this weekend, and tomorrow looks much the same as today does with perhaps a bit colder weather on the way. As we move forward, Monday and Tuesday look absolutely fantastic with nice weather and highs in the low 70s! Unfortunately, however, a slow-moving cold front is going to drench us once again on Wednesday, which looks like a washout for now (though the afternoon may be significantly better than the morning). This knocks us back into the low 60s for Thursday and the mid 60s for Friday with clear conditions on both days.

On a more personal note, I visited Channel 3 last night and met Bruce DePrest, their chief meteorologist. It was a fantastic experience- I was very impressed with his knowledge of the weather and his personality was great as well! It was a great way for me to continue thinking about my future and more fully understand the broadcast side of the weather industry!

Today in weather history- April 19, 1976- An extreme early heat wave hits the northeast, as some areas in southern New England hit 100 degrees, and the Boston Marathon is held with temps in the mid 90s (YIKES!)

Current weather map for today
Image source:

Thursday, April 17, 2014

4/17- Great Easter forecast!

Good Thursday all!

To be honest, there isn't much to write about...which is good news for most people! The rainstorm misses on Saturday to the east, and no precip is likely until about next Tuesday! Below-average temps will hold until then, but the Tuesday rain is nicely associated with a warm front that will bump the temps up above normal by Weds. Honestly, that's all- really!

Today in weather history- April 17, 2002- A massive heat wave on the east coast provides our area temps between 95 and 100 degrees in April!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4/16- Nasty roads!

Good Wednesday all-

Be careful out there!!! The roads are horrendous due to the ice and some areas did indeed receive several inches of snow overnight this evening. In fact, the majority of schools that are in session are delayed this morning...and wisely so! It appears most schools appear to be opening at around ten am, which seems like a  wise choice to me as most roads will still be horrific until at least 9 and probably a bit later! Unfortunately, the snow didn't stick here in Wallingford, but I think it was mostly freezing rain here, which makes it way worse! Beyond this, another snowfall is actually possible on Saturday with a few more inches possible as a coastal low misses to the east but wraparound moisture tries to enter Connecticut. There is too low of a chance of this to issue a storm watch at this time, however, so the main focus of the next several days is way below average temps- some areas today may not make it to 45! Enjoy your day after an April snowfall!

Today in weather history- April 16, 1975- A snowstorm drops ten FEET of snow on Oregon. Also

April 16, 1977- A weak shower somehow manages to spawn a weak TORNADO near Wichita Falls, Texas...and it moves west, the exact opposite direction of the way they usually move!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

STORM UPDATE- Say it ain't snow!

Good evening all- I have bad news if you don't like seeing flakes fly! The recent trends have actually been coming in colder and the air has more moisture behind the front than initially anticipated. Unfortunately, there is a certain consensus now on at least 1-3" of snow...with some models indicating as much as FIVE inches in northern areas. Based on this, it is clear that I must raise my prediction from 1-2" to a conservative 2-3" with locally higher amounts. In fact, dare I say it? Someone in the hills could even hit a half foot. Either way, this is one of the larger snow events that I can remember this late in the season. Also, with the rain today, which will freeze overnight, the roads tomorrow are going to be a complete utter and total disaster...and I highly discourage any travel before at least 10 AM because of the ice underneath the accumulating snow. Keep in mind that today, we here in Wallingford picked up over two inches of rain so when it freezes, there could be, quite honestly, a half inch or more of ice frozen on the roads. The rest of the week looks all right, but trouble could be brewing for Saturday...but more on that tomorrow!

This forecast, though issued at a different date, is likely what we are looking at tonight



Good Tuesday everyone!

A major rainstorm is on the way to Connecticut with an amazingly powerful slow-moving cold front. Due to how strong it is, I expect 2-3 inches of rain followed by as much as one to two inches of snow overnight tonight. Also, I expect the chance for thunderstorms to occur this afternoon, and there is a slight chance of severe weather this afternoon as the front is one of the more powerful ones that I have ever seen. It looks like pouring rain also Saturday and Monday. If I continue seeing these signs, I will issue another storm watch for this day later tomorrow- my rule will be only one storm watch at a time except in extraordinary circumstances (such as in February when Winter Storm Easton was followed by another significant snowstorm the following day). Anyways, enjoy the wet weather and the flakes coming tonight. Also, a flood warning has been issued for Hartford and Tolland Counties, so at least think about that possibility. Enjoy today, I'll be back with the latest forecast tonight with more details on the changeover to snow! Also, we missed the total lunar eclipse last night due to the clouds, but at least there are three more in the next two years!

Today in weather history- April 15, 1991- Somehow, Bossier City, LA records two FEET of rain in three days! For comparison, it would have to rain like it will today for almost two weeks to pick up that much!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Storm Warning now in effect for Tuesday...

Good evening all-

I have decided to upgrade my watch to a warning based on new data as there now appears to be two to three inches of rain a distinct possibility for tomorrow. Rain moves in later this evening and likely is here by the morning commute, after which time it will pour most of the day tomorrow, but a few breaks may occur in the morning. Additionally of concern is some very strong winds- we are looking potentially at 25 mph sustained winds over my forecast area. Overnight tomorrow, I can now safely forecast a change to potentially even moderate to heavy snow in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. In fact, some models are indicating up to 4". This, however, is likely overdoing it, and I'll keep my forecast at one to two inches of snow for Tuesday night in place. Beyond this, I am watching a few nor'easters for next week...but I won't go into details at this time.

Enjoy the rainstorm!

4/14- Nice today, but not tomorrow nor for the weekend...

Good Monday all!

A major rainstorm is on the way for tomorrow, but not before the best day of the year today! Highs will be between 74-78 degrees today, and someone may even touch 80 before all is said and done today with plentiful sunshine. Unfortunately, tomorrow's rainstorm will produce 1-2" of rain as an insanely powerful cold front moves through and drops the temps below freezing...before the precip ends tomorrow night...and everyone knows what that means, and I do expect some flakes to fly before all is said and done in our area tomorrow night. This would be one of the latest snowfalls that I can remember...and there are some indications that it may accumulate an inch or two on grassy surfaces. I also, however, think it will melt very quickly on Wednesday and not all of the snow will stick so there may be no accumulation even if one or two inches falls from the sky and thus there is only a very low chance...10 percent...of a delay Wednesday for schools that are in session this week. The next chance for a large amount of precip comes Friday night and Saturday morning

Today in weather history- April 14, 1921- the greatest 24-hour snowfall in history occurs in Silver Lake, Colorado as, somehow, 78.5 inches accumulate (That's an average of 3.3"/hr!).

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Storm watch Cancelled for Thursday, added for Tuesday

Good evening all-

No nor'easter Thursday, as models agree on a track too far offshore to give Connecticut any precipitation. Tuesday, however, is a soaker, with 1-2" of rain followed by (Dare I say it?) 1-2" of snow as well. Now, that is what will fall, but some of the 2" of snow will melt, so the odds of it having a major impact on our region is slim to none. Next storm watch update is tomorrow morning with a more in-depth look at Tuesday's storm

4/12- Nice weather until midweek, watching a nor'easter

Good Saturday everyone!

The nor'easter I talked about last night appears to be coming a tad later in the week, which would result in a rainstorm. I am still in storm watch mode due to how far off it is, but I think the odds are less likely. As I said- for that to happen, everything has to be perfect because of how late it is. Today, though, we'll see temps in the high 60s or low 70s, tomorrow will be slightly warmer (maybe 72 instead of 70). Monday looks AMAZING- HIGHS BETWEEN 75 and 80 and sunny skies! The price, however, is a rather significant rainstorm on Tuesday which may feature one to two inches of the wet stuff. Wednesday and Thursday, at the moment, look frigid but dry, whereas Friday could feature a fairly significant rainstorm. Now, for that storm to become would have to come about 24 hours sooner than currently modeled. While not impossible, it is far less likely now...and I will end storm watch mode if I don't see a significant movement later tonight. Enjoy the first day of April break for many!

Today in weather history- April 12, 1815- Mt Tambora erupts and launches 100 tons of ash into the air, which results in a period of massive global cooling as the ash blocks the sun's energy from reaching Earth. In fact, 1816 is called "the year without a summer" because winter like conditions prevailed year-round worldwide. In our region, for example, snow was recorded in July!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Did someone ask for a White Easter? BIG change in forecast for coming week.

Good evening all-

I have seen a disturbing trend in computer models today and therefore am going to change my 7-day forecast for you..see below (the change will be clear)

Saturday- Sunny and real warm. High: 70

Sunday- Partly cloudy, high 72

Monday- Sunny and amazingly warm, high 75-80

Tuesday- Heavy rain and potentially some thunderstorms as a powerful cold front moves through

Now for the trouble...

Wednesday and Thursday- The front responsible for bringing in the cold air stalls southeast of southern New England, while a low pressure center develops along it (There was no model showing this earlier today). If this happens...well I don't think I would be a very popular person as it would likely be just cold enough and the low in a location where we (believe it or not) could get a shocking blizzard on April 17, yes I really said April 17. This probably only has about a 10-20% chance of occuring, but it would be quite crippling with the leaves primarily on the trees, and if you get, say, 8 to 15 inches of heavy wet snow and strong winds...well, we all know what happened a few Octobers ago. Again, is it likely? NO. Could it happen? Yes. Do we have confidence in anything for this time period? Yes- frigid temps with highs maybe even in the 30s. Stay tuned, as this is a significant event. Thus, I am going into storm watch mode for this week. We'll see!

I have decided to issue something in my forecasts beginning now called a 'storm watch'. When this occurs, it means there is a greater than 15% chance of a storm of significance (greater than 2 inches of rain, 5 inches of snow, 1/4 inch of ice, or any tropical cyclone) one week out, a 30% chance three days out, a 50-50 chance two days out, and a 75% chance the day prior. Right weeks storm is at about I will begin this process. During 'storm watches', I'll update twice a day instead of the usual once (I'll aim for about 7 AM and 7 PM) with the latest trends and my current thoughts on the situation. Until tomorrow, then!

Will we in Connecticut be doing this soon?

image credit to

4/11- Here comes the rain, but great weather for next week!

Good Friday all- and for some, get excited for the last day before April break!

Unfortunately, the sky will celebrate today by dropping some rain over the region later this morning, but the heavier stuff won't fall until overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. Beyond that, we clear the forecast out and may reach 70 to maybe even near 80 Monday, before a powerful cold front moves through and knocks temps into the...mid 30s by Wednesday. It is interesting to note that the ECMWF indicates a close call with a nor'easter at that same time...which could cause trouble with frozen precip, but it has backed off on recent runs, so I am not overly concerned about it at the current time...but want to at least mention the possibility. Also, with that extreme cold front on Tuesday, there may be some risk of severe storms, though that appears limited at this time by the timing of the cold front, which instead favors a drenching rainstorm (1-2" rain), which I am more inclined to believe for a variety of reasons.

Today in weather history- April 11, 1965- The Palm Sunday tornado outbreak becomes the third deadliest tornado day on record, with 51 tornadoes 271 people and injuring 3000. Despite this, it transforms weather forecasting by changing the government policy that tornado warnings could only be issued if someone saw a tornado or if one was obvious on radar. Thus, the modern tornado warning system was developed, one which has saved countless lives over the years.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

4/10- Frozen start, but getting better!

Good Thursday all- one day left until April break for some!

Today is going to be one of the best days in quite a while- highs should reach the mid 60s and sunny conditions will prevail with a few cirrus clouds possible, but not much more. Today, the temperature reading at my house in Wallingford is 25 degrees- burr! It will get better though, so just give the sun a bit of time to warm us up today. Tomorrow, clouds become increasingly thick and rain commences tomorrow afternoon into the day on Saturday with light amounts possible- it looks like scattered showers at this time. After the warm front moves through, we are clear until Sunday night, when another warm front moves through....and the temps could reach 70 for the first time since October 17! That only lasts one day though, as a cold front with rain moves through shortly after dropping the temps down to below average once more. Finally, the long-range models continue to show us having a close call with snowflakes on Monday 4/21. Something to watch? Yes. Something to worry about? No. I'd only put a 5% likelihood of this happening at the moment

Today in weather history- April 10, 1996- The second nor'easter in 3 days buries the northeast and drops as much as 17" of snow in Windham. This storm breaks the all-time record for the snowiest winter on record in most areas, including Hartford (115.2") and Bridgeport (75.8"). The second snowiest winter in these locations is 2010-11, in which Hartford picked up a little over 80". That shows just how extreme this particular winter was!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4/9- Finally, some quiet weather

Good Wednesday all!

Today is going to be quite nice, albeit somewhat chilly as highs will be trapped in the mid-50s before we warm things up for later in the week. Tomorrow and Friday are the picks of the week for sure, as it will be sunny and easily in the 60s. The weekend is a mixed bag. It will feature highs in the 60s, but rain will be around in the morning on Saturday and the evening on Sunday. By Monday, temps could hit 70!! If we do, it would be the first time since October 17, 2013! Beyond that, however, a nor'easter takes aim at our area for the middle of next week. This would be all rain (don't worry!) and is far from certain, so all I can do is tell everyone to keep checking the forecast! If anyone is interested, one very long range model (the GFS) is showing a snowstorm for April 21 (that's one week from Monday). For a large number of reasons, I highly disagree with it, but will follow it just in case. Last year, some of my readers may remember we were very close to having a snowstorm on Memorial Day, so one never knows!

Today in weather history- April 9, 1953- The first tornado ever recorded on Doppler Radar is recorded in Illinois. This ushers in a new era of tornado forecasting, as today tornadoes are largely tracked by identifying "radar signatures", or a general appearance on radar.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

4/8- It gets better!

Good Tuesday all- (And Congrats Huskies!)

The rain that we see this morning shall continue for about another hour or so for most, perhaps a tad longer in a few locations, before we clear it out and have a rather pleasant afternoon today. Moving forward, today we should reach the low 60s, but we won't make it quite that high tomorrow (mid-50s). Thursday and Friday are certainly the picks of the week, with highs in the 60s and clear conditions. The next chance for significant rain, believe it or not, comes...SATURDAY! That's right, the third straight Saturday could be rather wet and dreary once again as a cold front stalls over Southern New England and a coastal tries to develop along it...but that's a story for another blog update!

Today in weather history- April 8, 1958- Aurere, La Reunion Island breaks the 48 hour rainfall record as they pick up...97.1" OF RAIN!!!! This averages out to 2 inches of rain an HOUR for TWO DAYS. Here in New England, 2 inches of rain is a massive, massive rainstorm. Imagine 48 times the rainstorm we picked up today? Yeah, that's what we'd be looking at.

Monday, April 7, 2014

4/7- Get get soaked!

Good Monday all!

Today marks the beginning of the best weather week so far this year...but we have to get through tonight first. A giant nor'easter is on the way to Connecticut, and it has tons of rain with it! Indeed, I would expect one to two inches of rain to fall tonight and early tomorrow. Tomorrow the rain turns showery in the morning and then stops completely by the afternoon, and then the fun of several days in the high 50s/low 60s from Weds to Sun at least! Beyond tonight, the only other threat of rain is Thursday night as a cold front moves through, but the impacts from that appear rather minimal at this time. Do note that there is a chance that a flood watch gets issued tonight, which will be posted on here if it does occur!

Today in weather history- April 7, 2003- The Yankees home opener is once again snowed out as six to twelve inches of snow fall over New York and southern New England. The Yankees actually borrow 200 snow shovels from the NY Giants to clear the field in time for the following day's game!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

4/6- I'm back, and with good news

Good Sunday all!

Today is going to be a very nice day with temps in the mid to high 50s throughout the region today, along with generally sunny skies but that changes tomorrow afternoon as clouds move in along with a powerful nor'easter that is likely to drop 1 to 2 inches of rain throughout the forecast area. Beyond that, however, the weather becomes much nicer and the only other chance of precip in the foreseeable future is Thursday night into Friday as a cold front moves through, but we are too early for specifics on that.

Today in weather history- April 6, 1982- A giant blizzard drops feet of snow on Southern New England, and actually snows out the Yankees home opener, one of (if not the only) snow outs in Yankees history. Also...

April 6, 1976- A large thunderstorm drops 3 inches of...hail in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Hello all- this blog will be on hold until Sunday as I am going to Boston today and will not be back until either late Saturday night or early change in forecast exists other than

The rain may move out quicker tomorrow than thought (10 AM ish)

Sunday's temps may be a bit milder (Mid- 50s) than previously thought.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

4/3- Nice today, wet til Sunday, then really wet and cold Tues

Good Thursday all, one day left!

Today is going to be a very nice weather day outside with partly cloudy skies, no wind, and highs in the mid to high 50s (which is still below average for this time of year). Unfortunately, today is the best day of the next several as a low pressure moves through tonight and drops some rain showers tomorrow and then gives us a Saturday rainstorm in the morning, which then clears but knocks the temps even lower with highs in the high 40s possible Sunday. We then get a nice day Monday before a nor'easter takes aim at Connecticut on Monday night into Tuesday, which could result in a big rainstorm (1-3" of rain possible). All in all, not the best forecast, but not the worst either!

Today in weather history- April 3, 1974- The most severe tornado outbreak of the 20th century occurs as 148 tornadoes are spawned in 13 states, predominantly along the east coast from Alabama to New York. 355 people are killed and a remarkable six of the tornadoes were ranked as an F5, the strongest possible- by comparison, the US has gone 8 years without an F5 tornado at one point (1999-2007). The day's events are referred to as the "Super Outbreak" even today, and it has an important place in the history of tornado research. Since that time, the only event that comes close to matching this is the April 21, 2011 tornado outbreak, which I'll discuss further on April 21.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

4/2- I'm singing in the rain, but the 's' word returns

Good Wednesday all!

Today is going to be the pick of the next 14 days for sure! Really, really nice weather is likely today- cloudy and temps in the low-60s! A rain event tries to make it's way into Connecticut tomorrow night and it will succeed, dropping about .5" of rain before moving out. Friday afternoon sees a break in the action, but then Saturday is a total washout featuring 1-3" of rain and flooding likely. Sunday it dries out, but we get an even bigger rainstorm Monday and Tuesday bringing 2-4" of rain before the temps plunge through the floor and, dare I say it? The chance of a snowstorm at the end of next week? This winter just refuses to quit! (though it looks better beyond it, it's way too early to know for sure!)

Today in weather history- April 2, 1987- An oddball late season snowstorm drops several inches of snow from Ohio to Georgia, with Newfoundland Gap, NC picking up 60"- a new record for North Carolina

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

4/1- A cool and wet start to April

Good Tuesday all!

A blizzard warning is up....nah April fools! Really, though, the temps will be quite nice today in the high 50s, and I think tomorrow most areas hit 60! A welcome relief, but it won't last very long...Thursday night, a rainstorm moves in and it is so small in size it's laughable but it's potent enough to deliver 1/2" of rain or so to most of the state. The rain ends Friday morning before it cools down to the low 50s and then we pick up a total drencher on Saturday with 1-2" of rain likely as a large area of low pressure passes to our west through the great lakes. Beyond that, temps moderate slightly, but the threat of rain continues through midweek.

Today in weather history- April 1, 1997- The day prior, when heavy snow was forecasted while temps were in the 60s at the time, many thought it was a joke, but it wasn't as a massive blizzard dumps between one and two feet of snow over Southern New England. The snow largely melts the following day, but it remains the most significant spring snowstorm in Southern New England history.