Monday, June 30, 2014


The low near Manzanillo Mexico has just become Tropical Storm Elida in the Pacific. Winds are near 50 mph and Tropical Storm warnings have been issued fort the coastline of Mexico as the storm stalls just offshore

6/30- Big tropical trouble

Good Monday all-

A fantastic day is on the way for us here! Low humidity and temperatures in the mid 80s should allow today to be a fabulous day to spend outside and play, so make sure to take advantage of it! Unfortunately, though, today is pretty much the last good day for a while as the next 3 days will feature high humidity and scattered thunderstorms with the intensity increasing each day until Thursday, which will likely feature severe weather for a large portion of our area, which could include hail and damaging winds.

Now for the real trouble...

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Douglas formed yesterday 480 miles SSW of the southernmost tip of the Baja peninsula. It has 40 mph winds and some slight strengthening is likely, but I doubt that it will be a hurricane. Additionally, a low pressure system 180 miles SW of Manzanillo, Mexico is likely to become Tropical Storm Elida today or tomorrow as it moves off to the NW.

In the Atlantic- The low off the Carolinas is extremely likely now to become Tropical Storm Arthur today or tomorrow. It will then meander off the coast of Florida the next few days, then head north and eventually eastward. The location of the eastward turn is key, as models show everything from a storm hundreds of miles out to sea to a direct tropical storm hit in Connecticut. I'd favor something in between, with a track about 100 miles to our south...but don't take that to the bank as it is a week off, but it would come on the 4th of July if it hit! YIKES!

Today in weather history- June 30, 1968-  Sault Ste. Marie, MI, manages to go an entire month without a single sunny day as all days are recorded as overcast

Is this coming to New England for the 4th?

Image source:

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Good Sunday all-

I don't usually update on weekends, but there is a disturbing trend that must be addressed here to give everyone a heads up. The tropical low off the Carolinas appears likely now to become Tropical Storm Arthur this weekend and drift towards Florida. A bigger concern, however, is a dip in the jet stream that follows and drags the storm northward. Although it may well go out to sea to the south of our region, it could be very, very close. The 40-70 benchmark is certainly in play here, as is a pure direct TS hit (The European model was showing this last night). It wouldn't be as bad as, say, Hurricane Irene if it did come, but it could still cause some serious, serious trouble. One thing that I do not think will happen is a hurricane hit here as it would be weaker than that by the time it gets up here. You never know, however, so keep your eyes on it...

Friday, June 27, 2014

6/27- Quite nice today!

Good Friday all- we made it!

Today is going to be very, very pleasant with temps in the high 70s/low 80s and much lower humidity than what we had yesterday. Can I rule out a late day shower today? No, but I don't think it'll be much of a concern whatsoever and any that do form will be quick movers. The weekend looks just delightful as well before next week we get into the dreadfully humid weather again and temps in the mid-90s and strong PM thunderstorms, though a cold front may give us a very pleasant 4th of July a week from tomorrow!

In the Pacific- A broad area low pressure off Mexico is likely to become Tropical Storm Douglas early next week, but it is too early to determine where it will go.

In the Atlantic- A low pressure center is trying to develop of the southeast coast of the US and could become Tropical Storm Arthur if everything comes together. This is worth watching, since a northward moving Carolinas tropical storm places us in a bit of a precarious position. I am not too concerned about it because the pattern doesn't seem favorable for a New England storm, but it is certainly worth keeping an eye on!

Today in weather history- June 27, 1901- Tiller's Ferry, SC records fish falling form the sky in a thunderstorm! This can and does happen- typically the result of a waterspout (a tornado over water), sucking the fish into the clouds and then dropping them as precipitation!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

6/26- not the best

Good Thursday all!

Unfortunately, today is going to be a miserable day. Highs will reach the mid to high 80s, feature oppressive humidity, and some scattered showers and storms. All in all, a good day to spend in the air conditioner and watch the World Cup! Tomorrow will be quite similar, though a bit cooler, and the high 70s and low 80s should be abundant. The weekend looks great, with bright sunshine and mid 80s on both days. 90 becomes likely next week for the first time, and the chance of pop up heating showers and storms for the middle of next week are likely. I'll be very concerned about the next time a cold front comes in terms of severe weather, however...

In the Atlantic- A low pressure system attempting to form off the coast of Florida has a chance of becoming Tropical Storm Arthur early next week if it stays over water

In the Pacific- A low pressure center off Mexico is likely to become Tropical Storm Douglas this weekend as it drifts away from land.

Today in weather history- June 26, 2009- An EF-1 tornado hits Wethersfield and damages a large number of homes. Interestingly, I was in the area a few hours before the tornado hit getting our lawnmower repaired. The shop actually took a direct hit from the tornado, but our lawnmower made it out just fine.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6/25- Finally some rain

Good Wednesday all!

The long stretch of dry weather comes to an end today, although most of the day will be dry. Unfortunately, though, heavy rain moves in tonight with showers and thunderstorms as a cold front moves through event which will be repeated tomorrow night minus the cold front- just the typical popup showers and storms we sometimes get in midsummer. The weekend looks great though with temps solidly in the 80s and bright sunshine both days, as does early next week as with a chance at hitting 90 on Tuesday!

In the Pacific- There is a chance of development this weekend off the coast of Mexico, and when it forms, it will have a 50-50 chance of becoming Tropical Storm Douglas by this weekend.

In the Atlantic- Development is not expected in the next five days.

Today in weather history- June 25, 1983- Sharon, VT receives one quarter of an inch of...SNOW!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6/24- Apologies for lack of updates!

Good Tuesday all-

Sorry that I did not update this yesterday- I had other things to worry about with my graduation! Anyway, today looks pretty darned good with temps in the low 80s, sunny, and only moderate humidity. Enjoy it while it lasts though, as both tomorrow and Thursday look like they may well feature some showers and storms and be extremely hot with high humidity- something that nobody likes at all! Thankfully, the weekend looks just fine, so we can at least hope that continues with lower humidity and low 80s throughout (The weekend will likely be very similar to what we experience today)

In the Pacific- A low pressure that is going to develop off the coast of Mexico has a 30% chance of becoming Tropical Storm Douglas this weekend, but it is way too early to discuss potential impacts.

In the Atlantic- Development is not expected in the near future

Today in weather history- June 24, 2010- An EF-1 tornado hits Bridgeport, which damages the Barnum museum and injures three people.

Also, June 24, 1951- One FOOT of hail falls on Wichita, KS, and damages cars and buildings. Damage amounted to $14 million!

Friday, June 20, 2014

6/20- Perfection!

Good Friday all- you've made it!!!

A very nice day is coming as well with temps in the high 70s and bright sunshine for today. It will be a simply delightful way to start the weekend- and it just gets better from here! Tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday all look absolutely fantastic as well as temps approach 85, but never quite reach it. Just perfect! No chance of precipitation exists until Tuesday night either, so it truly doesn't get better than this, including for graduation Monday night- temps will likely be in the high 70s with bright sunshine!

In the Atlantic- A low pressure center off Florida has developed, but conditions aren't exactly favorable for development as high shear is present due to a nearby front. Therefore, there is only a 10% chance of this becoming Tropical Storm Arthur in the next 5 days

In the Pacific- No development is likely anytime soon

Today in weather history- June 20, 1682- A half mile wide wedge tornado hits...Shelton, Connecticut! The storm uproots trees and destroying several homes in the area, and completely blows away 3 barns and one house.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

6/19- Wet then dry

Good Thursday all!

Unfortunately, the forecast changed dramatically yesterday because that cold front that I was concerned about bringing severe weather to the area stalled to our west and instead came in overnight, giving us pouring rain this morning and therefore a nasty surprise! On a more positive note, the rest of the week looks simply fantastic, with low humidity and temps in the high 70s and bright sunshine! Graduation day looks fantastic as well and, in fact, the only chance of precip in the next 7 days after today comes with a thunderstorm risk on Tuesday. On an interesting note, the power at my home in Wallingford just flashed for no apparent reason...geez!

In the Atlantic & Pacific- Tropical Development is not expected

Today in weather history- June 19, 1794- A major tornado (probably an EF3 or EF4 on the modern scale) hits Branford, CT and in a barn door is found ten miles away from it's original source!

BONUS- June 19, 2002- Parts of New Jersey are buried under 8 inches of hail, causing people to break out their snow shovels about five months early!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

6/17- Hot!

Good Tuesday all!

My forecast for the upcoming week remains totally identical to what I typed here yesterday, so I decline to bore you by typing the same thing over again. Instead, expect hot temps in the 80s today and 90s tomorrow with high humidity and strong storms tomorrow night. Also keep the people of Pilger, NE which was hit by not one but two tornadoes yesterday and they appear to be strong- I'd take a guess at EF4 at the moment.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Development is not expected

In the Pacific- The same area of low pressure looks much less organized this morning, but could still develop as it moves west away from land.

Today in weather history- June 17, 2001- Tropical Storm Allison finally departs the east coast of the US after 15 days of flooding rains, especially in Texas, and becomes one of the costliest tropical cyclones on record in the US, killing 55 people and dropping four feet of rain in places. Yikes!

Monday, June 16, 2014

6/16- hot hot hot!

Good Monday all! (And welcome to the last week of school for many!)

Today is going to be very similar to yesterday was with one exception- it will be considerably warmer. I think highs top off in the low 80s inland and high 70s but no precip is in sight! Just a gorgeous day- enjoy it! Unfortunately, humidity spoils the party tomorrow after a warm front moves through tonight and thus there is a decent chance of some rain tomorrow morning and cloud cover, which will hold the temps in the 70s for most. Wednesday though looks absolutely miserable, with highs in the 90s, extreme humidity, and severe thunderstorms in the afternoon as CAPE values will be pretty high as a result (which essentially is a measure of how unstable the atmosphere is). Beyond that, the rest of the week looks just fine, with 80s but less humidity and sunny. Sunday night rain is likely, but graduation a week from now looks to be just fine!

In the Atlantic- Tropical Development is not expected anytime soon

In the Pacific- Hurricane Cristina has dissipated off the coast of Mexico, but there could be something else waiting in the wing as a cluster of storms about 200 miles south of the Gulf of Tehuantepec has a 30% chance of becoming Tropical Storm Douglas in the next 5 days.

Today in weather history- Sioux  Falls, SD records an improbable feat as they manage to receive 7.79 inches of just 2 hours! Flooding occurred, and several parks and trails had to be closed for several days after this.

Friday, June 13, 2014

6/13- Stormy!

Good Friday all!

HAPPY WEEKEND- the last of the 2013-14 school year for many! This weekend will begin with showers and storms all day and, by later tonight, a significant chance of severe weather which could include hail and damaging winds. Beyond some scattered showers tomorrow morning, tomorrow looks just fine and so does Sunday- it looks very nice! Temps in the mid-70s are likely for the next two days before an average week next week. See you Monday everyone!

In the Pacific- Hurricane Cristina peaked as a 150mph category 4 hurricane yesterday, becoming the earliest second cat 4 in that basin. It is now a category 2 storm, however, with 105 mph wind and is located 145 miles ESE of Soccoro Island, and poses no threat to land.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Development is not expected in the next five days...but I'll be watching the Caribbean shortly thereafter.

Today in weather history- June 13, 1907- Tamarack, CA drops to a whopping two degrees, the national record low temperature for the month. To make matters worse, the high is only 30, and they receive three and a half feet of snow. YIKES!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

6/12- Best day of the week, but that doesn't mean much...

Good Thursday all!

The weather today is going to be pretty much dry, despite a great deal of cloud cover, but it's going to be the best day of the far! The temperatures today should be held in the low 70s by the clouds, and although I can't rule out scattered showers, I think most of us stay dry today. Unfortunately, tomorrow looks rather violent in the afternoon, as a cold front moves through and gives us strong to even severe  storms with a cold front this weekend. By Saturday afternoon, we dry out and the rest of the weekend looks great! Graduation day still looks fine, but there could be a tropical threat for New England by the end of that week if everything falls into place. Unfortunately, the only model that goes to that distance out is the GFS, so confidence is low, particularly since ensembles seem to agree on an east coast track for now from the Gulf, and a good number bring at least Tropical Storm conditions to our area...but it would be unwise to expect this when any tropical development at all is still over a week away (the storm would form around the 19th or 20th according to the model)

In the Atlantic- No development is expected in the next 5 days

In the Pacific- Hurricane Cristina unexpectedly rapidly intensified last night and it is now a major hurricane 240 miles SW of Manzanillo, Mexico with 120mph winds. Not much is expected to come of it though as it moves out to sea to the northwest

Today in weather history- June 12, 1991- The largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century begins as Mt Pinatubo erupts, and cooling the globe, resulting in the coldest year since the 1970s. To add insult to injury, Typhoon Yunya hits the Philippines on the same day! Yikes!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

6/11- Can we get a dry day in?

Good Wednesday all!

A dry day? It's possible today...but not certain, particularly across western areas. There is still a chance of showers and storms, to be sure, but the risk today and tomorrow looks less than any of the next few days. The weekend looks great, but getting there could be a challenge with some severe weather likely Friday night as a cold front moves through and, after a mostly sunny day, the instability in the atmosphere will be quite high. Beyond that, next week looks to have one bad day with a fair amount of rain likely on Tuesday, but I am not overly concerned about any weather event in the near future except Friday night.

In the Pacific- Cristina is now a 75mph hurricane 265 miles south of Manzanillo, Mexico. Strengthening is likely, and Cristina could get near or even exceed major hurricane status before weakening begins in about 48 hours as it moves over colder water

In the Atlantic- No development anytime soon!

Today in weather history- June 11, 1842- Irasburg, Vermont, Berlin, New Hampshire, and most of northern New England picks up one foot of snow in an insanely late season snowstorm. For this to happen, the timing must have been absolutely perfect, moving into the region in the early morning, when the clouds could prevent a drastic rise in temperature after radiational cooling since that is likely the only way that the air could be cold enough to keep it as a pure snowstorm.

I know many of you are wondering about graduation day, and at the moment it looks alright. There could be Tropical issues for the region later that week, however, and there likely will be a tropical storm somewhere that week, with models showing everything from a tropical storm in Mexico to a hurricane in Connecticut. Some help that is! No way of saying anything yet...way, way, way, way, way too early.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6/10- Storms again!

Good Tuesday all!

Today is going to be a very summerlike day all in all. I expect temps in the mid-70s with scattered showers and storms all day! That is not to say the entire day will be a washout, however...though I expect that most people will be wet before the end of the day. Quite honestly, the forecast from today is going to be the forecast until Friday, when it clears out and makes the thunderstorms severe with a perfectly timed cold front that could introduce the threat of large hail, damaging winds, and even some isolated tornadoes...Something worth watching for sure!

In the Atlantic- Tropical Development is not going to happen anytime soon

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Cristina formed yesterday evening 155 miles SW of Zihuatanejo, Mexico and is moving Northwest. It will likely become a hurricane in the next few days, but poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- June 10, 2003- In an extremely odd occurrence for June, TD #2 forms in the Atlantic...1200 miles east of the Lesser Antilles. In fact, it marks just the third time since 1967 that this occurred. Normally, these systems produce the strongest hurricanes in the Atlantic basin, but not this early. Typically, these type of storms form between late July and mid October.

Monday, June 9, 2014

6/9- Rainy

Good Monday all!

A rainy Monday is on the way, and I expect quite a bit of liquid to fall today as rain is moving from west to east this morning. There also is the potential of showers and thunderstorms this afternoon, and temps will likely not reach 80...until Friday! Unfortunately, rain is very likely each and every day except Thursday, with scattered showers and storms (some of which could be severe with hail and damaging wind). Lastly, the weekend looks perfect right now, with temps in the low 80s and sunny. Too bad many people in my school will be studying for next week's final exams!

In the Atlantic- No tropical development is coming anytime soon

In the Pacific- An area of showers and storms several hundred miles SW of Acapulco is very likely to become Tropical Storm Cristina in the next few days, but it is no threat to land whatsoever- have no worries!

Today in weather history- June 9, 1953- In an incredibly rare event, and F4 tornado hits...Worcester, MA! The deadliest and strongest tornado in New England history tracks a ridiculous 46 miles, kills 40 people, damages 4000 houses, and causes $53 million in damage. At one point, there was an estimation of 250 mph winds in Holden, MA, which if it were today would indicate an EF5 tornado on the new scale. This is believed to be the strongest tornado in New England, though 3 tornadoes may have given it a run for its' money, all in our region... (Windsor Locks in 1979, Hamden in 1989, Wallingford in 1878)

Friday, June 6, 2014

6/6- Warm!

Good Friday all- HAPPY WEEKEND- and for my friends in New Haven- SINGLE DIGIT SCHOOL DAYS LEFT!

Today is going to be highly pleasant save for a few showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon, but not anywhere near enough to change your plans, as I think most (if not all) of them miss to the east of the region. The weekend looks simply stunning, if not a tad hot with temps in the mid to high 80s and humid on both days. The only day with a slight risk of storms is tomorrow, but I wouldn't be too concerned about that. Beyond that, moderating temps seem to prevail early next week

In the Pacific- Tropical Development is not going to occur anytime soon!

In the Atlantic- Trouble is brewing in the Bay of Campeche as a low gets more organized. It doesn't have much time to strengthen before it makes landfall in Mexico late tonight (I have been making an error in my forecasts- the system going into Florida next week is completely different). There is a 50-50 chance that this becomes TD 1 or Tropical Storm Arthur later today...but is nothing to be concerned about here in Connecticut.

Today in weather history- June 6, 1816- The "year without a summer" begins as the HIGH temperature in Salem, MA was only...43 degrees, and a foot of snow fell on Quebec! This can only happen in a volcanic year when, after a large volcano eruption, ash blots out the sun and therefore prevents warmth from getting to the Earth.

Also, though, remember that today is D-day, and take time to remember all those who lost their lives on that fateful day 70 years ago. It is one of the most significant days in our history as a nation, and we should all think about what our world would be like if June 6, 1944 had not been so successful. It is certainly a day when we should look back on the bravery of our armed forces and thank them for the freedoms that we all enjoy today.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

6/5- Quick but hard hitting rainstorm today

Good Thursday all!

Today is going to be the tale of two halves...the first half is a total washout. It may not be raining yet...but be ready! In fact, I expect as much as one inch of rain in the next five hours, but it will likely be all gone by around noon, leaving mostly cloudy skies for the afternoon today. For my outdoor field trip today, it is still the tale of two halves, but we should be able to get it in as long as we are ready to get a bit damp. Beyond today, the weekend looks fantastic!! The temps will be in the mid-80s and very sunny both days- perfect weather both days! The next washout day in the forecast appears to be Wednesday.

In the Pacific- Tropical Development is not expected in the next 5 days

In the Atlantic- The same holds true from yesterday, but there is only a 20% chance of development in the next 5 days because it will move inland over eastern Mexico early next week. I'd be more concerned for development around Wednesday or so when it moves back over the water

Today in weather history- June 5, 1859- A shocking freeze hits New England, as temps in Connecticut reach the mid-20s, and Ohio receives snow!

Also, June 5, 1995- The earliest hurricane to hit Florida occurs as Hurricane Allison hits Apalachee Bay causing minimal damage

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

6/4- Watching the tropics...

Good Wednesday all!

Today is going to get progressively better, though scattered showers and storms are very likely all day today. This, however, is just a warmup for tomorrow- a total washout! I am forced to issue a rather sudden storm warning for tomorrow because of 1.5-2.5" of rain statewide and I recommend you think of plans indoors tomorrow unless you want to get drenched. Fortunately, we clear out on Friday and reduce only to scattered showers and storms around from Friday to Sunday.

In the Pacific- Boris made landfall as a Tropical Storm near Chiapas, Mexico overnight last night and delivered drenching rains to the region, which can be quite devastating there because you have to worry about landslides. Besides that, I expect no tropical activity this week.

In the Atlantic- A low pressure area in the Gulf of Mexico has been trying to develop for several days and it may succeed, but probably not before Monday at the earliest, since strong wind shear will inhibit it further. Beyond that, the storm path will likely take it towards Florida's west coast, near Tampa Bay if you believe the computer models. Unfortunately...what matters to us is what happens beyond that time. As I see it, there are four possibilities with an equal chance of happening.

1. The storm never forms at all, in which case it doesn't matter at all. This is the most likely solution (50%)
The following three have roughly equal chances
2. The storm crosses Florida and crosses far out to sea...this is the most likely solution if it far.
3. The storm moves inland over the Carolinas and gives rain to Connecticut.
4. (The least likely, so don't panic, I am NOT trying to hype this possibility, but it deserves mention since it is about a 5% chance)- The storm crosses Florida, gets captured by a trough, passes over the gulf stream to strengthen it/maintain its' intensity, and gets forced into southern New England by a Bermuda high as a strong Tropical Storm or weak Hurricane by two weekends from now... again, this is HIGHLY unlikely. This is only indicated by two GFS ensembles (not even the main model), but there is a chance as there has been a few indicators of this possibility lately.

Today in weather history- June 4, 1825- In a bizarre event, a hurricane manages to form near Cuba and take the death path for southern New England, bringing the region its' earliest hurricane on record. The storm causes damage from Charleston, SC to Boston, and kills a large number of people when a schooner floundered off the coast of Long Island.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Tropical Depression 2-E has become Tropical Storm Boris as it moves inland over the south coast of Mexico

6/3- Rainy, and a new pacific depression

Good Tuesday all!

Today will be quite wet, mostly in the overnight hours, but expect scattered storms pretty much all day moving west to east. Moving forward, scattered storms tomorrow are likely, but Thursday looks the wettest day of the next 7 as a storm moves to our south and pretty much washes out the day. Next weekend looks OK, but there is still time to change that- expect scattered storms both days.

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 2-E has formed near the Mexican coast and is expected to hit near Arriaga later today as Tropical Storm Boris. If it does strengthen, I will let you know here immediately, but a Tropical Storm Warning has been issued from Salina Cruz to the Guatemala/Mexico border

In the Atlantic- Development is not expected in the next five days, however I am watching the remnants of the Pacific storm for possible development in the Bay of Campeche, which could impact Florida as a Tropical Storm and some models (GFS ensembles) actually cause trouble for New England from this storm next week. I wouldn't be too concerned yet, but it's worth watching!

Monday, June 2, 2014

6/2- Hot!

Good Monday all-

A very hot day is on the way today as I expect temps to arrive in the mid 80s by later this afternoon inland, but more like the high 70s on the shoreline. Unfortunately, a Storm Warning is issued for tomorrow night, as a rather heavy rainstorm is going to occur with thunder and lightning. I expect totals in many areas to exceed one inch of rain to meet warning criteria. Beyond that, warm temps (high 70s/low 80s) hold serve with scattered thunderstorms possible every day until Sunday, when the threat of that decreases.

In the Pacific- The area of storms just off the Mexico coast is about to become Tropical Storm Boris and deposit heavy rain on the west coast of Mexico as it meanders Northwest.

In the Atlantic- Some scattered showers and storms are in the Gulf, and conditions appear favorable for development late week. There is a 20% chance this becomes Tropical Storm Arthur by Friday...but it is more likely beyond that timeframe.

Today in weather history- June 2, 1998- In a bizarre weather event, an F4 tornado lifts up and down in the mountains surrounding Frostburg, MD, and nearly tracks through the very highly populated downtown area. Fortunately, no injuries occurred, though two people were killed in Pennsylvania from the same storm system. It also produced a funnel cloud over Three Rivers Stadium, home of the Pirates for many years, during a game...yikes!

Sunday, June 1, 2014


Good Sunday all- and we have made it! HAPPY JUNE TO ALL!!!!!

Today is going to be absolutely gorgeous, with temps in the mid 70s, low humidity, and sunny skies. It will be a perfect day to barbecue or any other outdoor activities you have planned, so go out there and enjoy it! Tomorrow, unfortunately, will be warmer and more humid with temps in the 80s with increasing clouds. Tuesday looks OK for most of the day, but a robust line of thunderstorms with a cold front could deliver an inch of rain or more on Tuesday evening. At the moment, it does not warrant a storm watch, but it may...I am watching it! The rest of the week looks quieter, with generally temps in the high 70s and the chance of scattered thunderstorms every day.

Today...June 1, the beginning of the Atlantic Hurricane Season, which will end on November 30. Even though a less active than normal season is expected this year (with 11 named storms, 6 hurricanes, and 2 major hurricanes forecasted), it is important to remember it only takes one, especially notable in 1992, when only five named storms formed, but one of them was Hurricane Andrew...yikes! The name list this year is Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly, Edouard, Fay, Gonzalo (replacing Gustav), Hanna (the 2008 version of which hit CT as a tropical storm on September 7), Isiah (replacing Ike on the list), Josephine, Kyle, Laura, Marco (2008's Marco was the smallest tropical cyclone on record by size), Nana, Omar, Paulette (replacing Paloma), Rene, Sally, Teddy, Vicky, and Wilfred.

In the Atlantic- A low pressure in the Gulf of Mexico is likely to form this week and may indeed make a run at becoming Tropical Storm Arthur- there is a 20% chance of development in the next 5 days

In the Pacific- The low near Mexico is about to become Tropical Depression 2-E, and almost certainly Tropical Storm Boris as early as today. There is a 70% chance of development today or tomorrow, and a 90% chance in the next five days.

Today in weather history- June 1, 2011- A rare EF3 tornado hits downtown Springfield, MA and nearly enters Connecticut and the tornado is visible. Four people are killed, including one just over the border when the tornado goes through Sturbridge. Also..

June 1, 1971- 8" of snow falls on Mt Rainier Ranger Station...but that in itself isn't too noteworthy. What is is the fact that it brings the season total to 1,027" (85.6 feet)!!, breaking the record for the snowiest winter in any location in US history. Amazingly, it lasted exactly one year, as 1971-72 was even snowier for the area.