Tuesday, August 1, 2017

8/1- August Starts Stormy

Happy new month everyone and Tuesday-

And here is a heat wave for you! We start August with a bunch of scorchers, with at least some thunderstorm risk on each day of the next five...except for today, which looks to be bone dry unless the daytime heating produces a popup shower or tstorm, a possibility which is low...but not zero. That said, the heat and humidity is here to stay for the majority of the next week, so if you don't like it, things are not looking good. If you do love the heat though this weather is for you- it's wonderful beach weather as well, so if you want to head down to the shoreline, today is a very good day to do so- and possibly the best since we have the lowest thunderstorm risk today. Temperatures for most of the next week will be between 85-95, with the next three within a degree or two of the 90 degree marker.

Tropical Storm Emily formed out of the blue yesterday morning right over Tampa Bay and made a final landfall in St. Petersburg, causnig a great deal of flooding rain for Florida, but not much else. The rest of the Atlantic and Pacific basins are quiet, but there is an area to watch in the Pacific basin, especially around this weekend. Now that August is here, we are rapidly approaching the peak of the hurricane season, so pay extra close attention for the next three months or so.

Image result for happy august

Enjoy what remains of summer- we are slightly over a month away from the beginning of the foliage season and, of course, a bit less than a month from the beginning of the 2017-18 school year.

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