Wednesday, September 13, 2017

9/13- No Way, Jose!

Good Tuesday all-

Sorry for the late posting but it's my dog's fault- he literally ate the power cord of my laptop, rendering it unusable for several days. I'm back now, and we have a fair amount to discuss.

First off, the next few days do not look all that great thanks to the remnant moisture of Hurricane Irma and its' interaction with a slow moving cold front off to our west. We will very likely be dealing with shower activity each day between now and Saturday...with tomorrow and Friday looking the wettest. Sunday should be dry, fortunately, with highs near 80 and sunshine likely.

Beyond that though, all eyes shift to one of the most bizarre hurricanes in recent memory. Hurricane Jose has completed a 360 degree loop in the Atlantic, and is expected to move west and then slowly north along the east coast. The problem is that it will then likely slow down again and try to move out to sea, but a blocking high could be in place. If that is the case, it could loop it back into the eastern seaboard somewhere between North Carolina and southern New England. This is a highly complex and strange forecast, so we will have to keep our eyes on it for sure.

Have a great Hump Day!

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