Monday, January 1, 2018

1/1/2018- Happy New Year...with snow

Good Monday all-

HAPPY 2018!

Well, this is quite a start isn't it...yet again, temperatures are near zero this morning, and in some cases slightly below that mark, and we are going to have freezing cold conditions throughout the day...and we'll do it all over again tonight, with temperatures around -5 overnight tonight. Highs today will likely be stuck in the mid-teens, but thankfully tomorrow should be quite a bit warmer.

We do have to watch Thursday very, very carefully. A coastal storm of likely historic proportions will develop along the east coast, and it could either be a direct hit or a narrow miss. A direct hit from this would be bad. I mean really, really, bad. You don't want it unless you are a die hard snow me. Even a sideswipe, which is what many models are currently indicating, could be enough to name the storm Brody...we'll have to see. I'm attempting to fly out on Friday morning but...we'll have to see exactly what happens with this system as it tries to really mess up my plans :(

I'll definitely keep you posted on the Thursday threat as we move through the week and we get closer. We should have a much better idea what's going on by tomorrow morning at this time.

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