Thursday, January 4, 2018

1/4- The Blizzard of '18

Good Thursday all-

A BLIZZARD WARNING is up for New London, New Haven, and Middlesex Counties. Everyone else is under a WINTER STORM WARNING.

So begins Blizzard Brody, and it'll really come down fast throughout the day today. I still like my statewide 7-14" forecast, but I think I may be a bit too low on the high end- an 8-16" may work a bit better especially in central areas, where the heaviest banding appears likely.

Snow has begun, and will be coming down heavily until around 4 PM, with lighter snow and flurries lasting well into the evening. As for school impacts, all schools in the state are CLOSED COMPLETELY today. Tomorrow is a much more difficult forecast. In areas where there are about 7" best a delay is likely, whereas areas where 14" occur, schools could well be CLOSED again tomorrow. We'll have to wait and see as this major storm hits our state. Be warm.

Also, a WIND CHILL WATCH is up for northern CT, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see that get expanded to the shoreline- wind chill values likely will be around -30 tomorrow night!

My flight to Texas for later tonight was cancelled, and I'm now leaving on Sunday. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this position!

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