Wednesday, March 14, 2018

3/14- Pi isn't Snowy, but Today is

Good Wednesday all-

Happy hump day!

There is a risk of snow this afternoon, I'm afraid- some squalls could drop 1-3" of snow in parts of Connecticut this afternoon. Timing of this would be around 4-5PM, though the exact timing will be vaired depending on exactly what squall you get into, etc. through the afternoon. On the heels of Winter Storm Ferris though, this will feel like at least there is that. Unfortunately, there remain strong signs of a nor'easter for the middle of next week- we have to watch that closely. Otherwise the rest of the week looks dry with below average temperatures, with the exception of Sunday, when we will be near if not a bit above 50 degrees. Spring *is* coming, it's just taking a while to get here.

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