Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Well, that was Interesting


Oh my, well that was an interesting forecast today. Essentially, we had two bands that dropped heavy amounts of snow. One was, as expected, over the eastern sections of our state, and dropped about two feet of snow. The other set up shop essentially along and west of the Rt. 8 corridor in western Connecticut. In other areas, very little in the way of accumulation occurred. At my house in Naugatuck, I picked up between ten and twelve inches, as I was under the western band, but my grandmother in Branford got only 3", and New Haven (literally a 10 minute drive to my south) picked up a whopping total of...nothing. Yeesh. That this happened is not a surprise, but the placement of the western band was to some degree and yielded much higher totals than expected in western sections, while causing a forecast bust for many in the central area. Go figure.

Surely, after three massive nor'easter hits, this is over now right?...Sadly, no, there are several more threats for coastal storms and major snowfalls, the next of which is Tuesday of next week.

It is worth noting that today's snow has pushed my backyard's seasonal snowfall total over 70". That makes this winter the second snowiest of my lifetime, trailing only 2010-11, which produced about 85". Looking at the forecast for the next few weeks...it honestly is not impossible to get there. I'll be watching. Thankfully, unless the weather goes insane over the next few weeks, the all-time record of 115.2" is almost undoubtedly safe for another winter (Another 45" of snow seems more than a bit difficult). Additionally, this is only the second time in the last 22 years that we have used the 'F' name for a storm. The other, 2014-15, culminated with Winter Storm Gavin. The next name on the list is Genny...and we'll see if it comes Tuesday because there is a legitimate shot.

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