Friday, July 11, 2014

7/11- We hit the jackpot!

Good Friday everyone- Happy Weekend!!!

Today is going to be a fantastic day in general. Highs will be in the mid-80s with bright sunshine, low humidity, and only a very slight chance of rain. No major storms are in sight and, other than higher humidity and the chance of some thunderstorms scattered around the area on some days (especially Saturday), the weather appears no better or worse on one day than another, so enjoy the next 7 days of fantastic weather!

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development is expected anytime soon.

Today in weather history- July 11, 1990- The costliest hailstorm in US history occurs in Northeast Colorado when baseball-sized hail causes $625 million in damage in a path from Estes Park to Colorado Springs. Among the places hit is a theme park, Elitch Gardens, and 47 people are trapped in the open and injured by the large hail.

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