Wednesday, August 13, 2014

8/13- Rain, tornadoes, etc.

Good Wednesday all-

Or should I say "Rain day"? Today is going to be absolutely miserable, so make sure you bring your umbrella out there! It is going to pour all morning and into the early afternoon today, and as much as 4 inches of rain is possible!!! YIKES! As if this weren't enough, the upper level dynamics for rotation look much better than I thought they would yesterday, and there is a distinct possibility of tornadoes around noon today, so keep checking the weather channel if you are at work. If a tornado warning is issued at your office, think about what you would do/where you would go when you get in this morning. Regardless, we clear out tonight for many, many days, so today is the worst day we have had in quite some time, but nothing anything like this is expected anytime soon.

In the Atlantic- The tropical wave near the Cape Verde Islands has completely dissipated, and tropical development is not expected anytime soon.

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 11-E formed yesterday and is undoubtedly about to become Tropical Storm (and likely eventually Hurricane) Karina, but it is moving away from land and I do not expect any impacts whatsoever on land.

Today in weather history- August 13, 2004- Hurricane Charley hits south Florida after rapidly intensifying from a Cat 2 to a 155-mph cat 4 just 12 hours later, becoming at the time the second costliest hurricane on record (It is now fourth, as Sandy and Katrina were costlier). You are likely to hear about this anniversary today as it is one of the more significant hurricanes in recent memory.

But as a fun aside- August 13, 1978- Salmon, ND receives 4" of....SNOW!?! Yikes! For snow lovers here in CT, we are only 2 months away now from the start of the snow season, so get ready for some fun!

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