Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Amazing day for Long Island!!!!

Good evening everyone-

I just thought I would share some stats from today that are just mind blowing and, quite honestly, will be talked about for many years to come. Islip, NY (Which is on Long Island, for those that don't know), picked up 5.41" of rain in ONE HOUR this morning, and finished today with an all-time New York state record of...wait for it...14" OF RAIN TODAY! This is simply incredible, and is even more so when you think that this is higher than totals from either Hurricane Irene or Hurricane Sandy. It will be stunning to see the magnitude of flooding in the area, so watch the news tonight. What a day, and one we will not be forgetting for a very long time here in Connecticut if you are a weather geek like I am. I'm still shocked.

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