Thursday, August 28, 2014

8/28- Boring

Good Thursday all-

I'm not going to bore you with a detailed forecast- the temp is the only interesting thing today as it may not reach 80 after our thunderstorms last night. Tomorrow will be even cooler before we warm up for the weekend, but suffer for it with showers and storms possible to likely on both Sunday and Monday.

Otherwise, please enjoy the first day of school for the majority of my student and teacher readers :). A great day for outdoor recess or other activities for sure

In the Atlantic- Hurricane Cristobal has 75mph winds and is located almost exactly halfway between Bermuda and Connecticut. I certainly don't envy the flyers from BDL to Hamilton today, as it will be quite the bumpy flight....also there is a chance for development in the Bay Of Campeche and near the Cape Verde Islands the next few days. The next two names on the list are Dolly and Edouard.

In the Pacific- Tropical Development is not expected anytime soon.

Today in weather history- August 28, 2011- Hurricane Irene hits New Jersey as an 80mph hurricane, the first to directly hit New Jersey in nearly a century (interestingly, it happened again the following year with Sandy), before moving up and making a landfall in Brooklyn as a tropical storm. Contrary to popular belief, Irene was not a hurricane in Connecticut. In fact, no hurricane has hit CT directly since 1985's Hurricane Gloria, and we are significantly overdue...

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