Friday, April 29, 2016

4/29- A Chilly but Fond Farewell to April...May starts wet


Today is going to be a rather unpleasant day in the weather world I'm afraid, though. Highs will struggle to reach 60, and showers will be occurring on and off throughout the day...although they should generally get lighter the longer the day goes on. Tomorrow looks like the better day of the weekend- clouds will be clearing, leaving us with partly sunny skies and temperatures in the 60s...and I doubt anyone will mind that! As time goes on through Sunday though, rain will break out across the region. It could be heavy at times, especially in the evening, as a coastal low wraps up very close to the 40/70 benchmark. If this was winter...we'd be looking at a major snowstorm. It's not...but we can still expect gusty winds, highs in the 40s and heavy rain on Monday. That's just unpleasant...I know many people who would rather have it snow instead of that! Looking beyond that...the temperatures look very cold and the weather unsettled. One of the models even suggests snow showers Thursday night...I don't buy that yet for sure...but if it did occur, it would be the second latest snowfall ever recorded at Bradley.

Today in weather history- April 29, 1905- Somehow, the town of Taylor, TX manages to receive 2.4" of rain. Not impressive? Think fell in a fifteen minute time interval. That's absolutely incredible, and a testament to how intense rain can be if you get into a highly unstable atmosphere and have a disturbance in the area.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4/27- Pretty nice, chilly

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be a beautiful day, with temps in the low 60s and clearing conditions as the cold front that gave us the rain yesterday moves further off to our south. Amazingly, similar conditions are likely to prevail through the weekend and into early next week. It looks like right around May 6 is the final hurrah for the cold though. It'll be chilly- some models even show snow showers in the very highest elevations- but then it seems a huge ridge of high pressure will set up and we will be dry and much, much warmer, though this is well over a week out so we have to be careful because things can (and probably will) change.

My apologies for not posting yesterday- I literally just forgot.

Congratulations to Trump and Clinton on winning the primary here in Connecticut!

Today in weather history- April 27, 2011- The 'Super Outbreak'- the strongest tornado outbreak in history clobbers Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia, dropping 11 EF4 tornadoes and 4 EF5 twisters, an incredible number as you can be lucky to have a single EF5 in fact, there was a period from May 3, 1999 to May 4, 2007- a period of almost exactly eight years- without a single F5 or EF5 tornado.

Monday, April 25, 2016

4/25- Cloudy to Rainy, Nice temps

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be mostly cloudy, but fortunately it will be quite dry and the temperatures will be pretty mild and pleasant. Unfortunately, tomorrow is going to be super wet...with over an inch of rain likely over much of the state. This is in association with a cold front which will prevent the temperatures from rising above the lower 60s for the rest of the week. Another system will move in on Friday, but should clear out by the weekend, which looks very pleasant at this time.

A major tornado outbreak is likely in the plains tomorrow. Keep them in your thoughts as we move forward through the week.

An early glimpse into May suggests below-average temperatures for the first few weeks.

Today in weather history- April 25, 1875- New York City does the unthinkable and gets 3" of snow- by far their latest snowfall on record.

Friday, April 22, 2016

4/22- Storms tonight


Today is going to be the worst day of the weekend with highs in the 70s but increasing cloudiness and showers through the day today. Thunderstorms are also likely to fire up in the overnight hours tonight as a cold front moves through our region, but fortunately it will clear us to the southeast by tomorrow morning. Tomorrow, as a whole, looks pretty good with clearing skies, but it will also be quite that is the trade-off we have to make. Beyond that, Sunday looks warmer, and much of next week looks to be near to slightly below average temperature wise with a heavy rain event on Tuesday being the only blip on the radar.

Today in weather history- April 22, 2011- An EF-4 tornado strikes the Lambert International Airport in St. Louis, causing severe damage to the airport- even sending concourse C's roof flying away. Somehow...only 5 people are injured and none are killed. Having been to this airport, I suspect there must have been sufficient warning for everyone to go into the bathrooms, which are designated as tornado shelters in case of just such an seems strange, but such a setup is not unusual in the midwest.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

4/20- NO changes

Good Wednesday all-

Frankly, there is nothing to talk about today as the forecast is exactly the same as yesterday. Today is going to be beautiful with partly sunny conditions and highs in either the high 60s or low 70s depending on your location. As we move ahead, Friday looks to have a few rain showers around, but the weekend looks dry. Monday night...the higher elevations could be surprised by some snow showers, but it will be primarily rain- and perhaps a pretty good dose of it- for the vast majority of Connecticut. An early glimpse into the first week of May looks very cold for this time of year.

Today in weather history- April 20, 1901- A very bizarre snow event strikes Ohio, which somehow drops 35.5" of snow on the town of Warren. Pittsburgh gets in on the action with 12.7" of snow, their monthly record for April.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4/19- Nothing to talk about

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be pretty decent, with clearing conditions and low 60s for highs which is very near the average for late you can certainly go outside and have fun today.

There is no interesting weather to talk about this week at all for me, as temps will be in the high 60s/low 70s throughout and partly sunny conditions will prevail except for Friday...when some showers are possible, but they shouldn't be a big deal whatsoever. Thus...I'm not going to waste your morning reading this. Go out there and enjoy an incredible next few days!

Today in weather history- April 19, 1996- A major tornado outbreak effects Illinois as 33 tornadoes touch down, some of them as strong as F4 intensity. The town of Ogden is particularly hard hit.

Friday, April 15, 2016

4/15- Snooze-worthy Weather Weekend


Today is going to be nice with partly sunny skies and temps in the will tomorrow...and Sunday...and Monday...and Tuesday...although some showers are possible on Tuesday night...and get the idea. A very nice week of weather is on the way for us here, so much so that I can't analyze it without boring you tremendously. Thus...simply enjoy this week of weather.

On another note, Colorado State University has predicted the hurricane season for this year. They suggest average activity with a 12-5-2 breakdown. Personally, I feel this is far too conservative as we are entering a La Nina year...but I will not reveal my numbers until we reach June 1, the official beginning of the hurricane season. Keep in mind we have already had 1 named storm- Alex- which formed in January when I was in New Orleans!

Today in weather history- April 15, 1921- The ultimate record holding snowfall occurs as Silver Lake, CO (just south of Telluride), picks up an amazing 76" of snow in a 24-hour period, a world record for the heaviest 24 hour recorded snowfall. That's nearly twice what parts of Connecticut received in 2013's Blizzard Charlotte!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

4/13- Finally a BIG warm up

Good Wednesday all-

A FREEZE WARNING is up for northern portions of Southern CT...but it will expire shortly.

Finally, our weather is getting warmer! Today isn't exactly going to be boiling, but it will feel that way as temps get near 60...but after this, we're looking at temps steadily climbing until we reach the mid-70s on Sunday! That will feel amazing! Sadly, it won't last because, if you can believe it, an Arctic front makes its' way through New England early next week with rain showers, but then below average temps and, yes, isolated snow flurries...are possible next Wednesday. They wouldn't accumulate to anything, but seeing flakes on April 20th is still seriously impressive.

Today in weather history- April 13, 1955- I don't quite know how, but Axis, AL somehow manages to pick up 20.33" of rain in a 24 hour period, the state record for the area (obviously). I would love to know what happened here...but my best guess would be either a thunderstorm sat over them all day or, more likely, a stalled front "trained" storm after storm over the town.

Monday, April 11, 2016

4/11- Finally some Spring

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be a classic April day- scattered showers and temperatures that appear to be heading for the mid-50s or so as the cold air finally retreats. Tomorrow looks like it's going to rain all day, sadly, so any outdoor plans will probably have to change (unless you want to get wet). Thankfully, however, the rest of the week looks dry until about Friday night, when another front will bring some rain showers in. Although temperatures will never reach 60 in the next week...we will not have any 40s for highs either. For those who are hoping for no more cold weather...I have bad news as yet another influx of arctic air suddenly appears to be a distinct possibility around the 20th of the month.

Today in weather history- April 11, 1965- The "Palm Sunday tornado outbreak" devastates portions of the Great Lakes region, dropping a whopping 17 F4 tornadoes, which combine to kill 271 people, injure 1,500 more, and cause nearly $6 billion in damage. It's a rather unique event to get that many strong tornadoes on one day in the Great Lakes, which although have fairly frequent tornadoes, are not used to twisters of this intensity. That said, it's certainly a reminder of just how unpredictable weather can be

Thursday, April 7, 2016

4/7- Wet Today...winter's last stand this weekend

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be the least pleasant weather day of the week, because it's going to basically be pouring all day. The heaviest of the rain will be in the afternoon hours, but we will be dealing with rain early this morning and later tonight as well. When it's done, 0.5" to 1" of rain will have fallen on the entire bring your umbrella today if you want to stay dry. Tomorrow will be chillier nd feature rain and snow showers, but Saturday night is looking mighty interesting for me (not good for you, most likely) as a clipper moves through at the perfect hour to produce yet another snowstorm. Some models are indicating as much as 4-5" (see below)

^06z GFS showing about 5" of snow for central Connecticut Saturday night

 Beyond that, it looks like we get one last shot of cold weather before a big warm up by the end of next week when temperatures could approach 80 degrees once again.

Today in weather history- April 7, 1857- In a very bizarre event, most of the US gets a deep freeze and accumulating snow as a very intense trough effects much of the eastern portion of the continent. Such an event is certainly unusual but not impossible...we can see places as far south as the extreme southern reaches of North Carolina can expect snow in the coming days.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

4/6- Chilly, Rain incoming

Good Wednesday all-

A FREEZE WARNING is up for the immediate shoreline, where the growing season has begun

Today is going to be quite chilly...well, at least it will be warmer than yesterday with highs in the mid to upper 40s ahead of an arctic front that moves through tomorrow with pouring rain- I suspect that tomorrow is going to be a total washout- and I expect the Yankees to pay the price with a rainout. Yes, it's going to be ridiculously cold again this weekend, as we stay almost twenty degrees below average with snow flurries around on Saturday...and a potential light snow event for Sunday. These don't like big deals, but enough potentially to snarl up the roads on Sunday with an inch or two. Whether that happens or not, the majority of next week looks to again be way below average, but thankfully a warming trend may FINALLY begin by the following weekend...but that's a long way off!

Today in weather history- April 6, 1936- An incredibly bizarre event as two large tornadoes cross over the same place at the same time, causing a merger right over a factory, killing 70 people in it...and 133 others, making it one of the deadliest tornadoes in US history. Tornadoes before 1960 or so were far more deadly due to the lack of accurate predictions of them. Even though today the average tornado lead time is a little over ten minutes...that at least provides some time. In fact, only one tornado (the Joplin, MO tornado of 2011) has killed more than 100 people since 1947, a huge testament to the improved forecasting ability of these storms that by their nature are hugely unpredictable

Monday, April 4, 2016


Good Monday all-

Northern Connecticut has a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY. The shoreline has a FREEZE WARNING.

Today is going to be an absolutely miserable day, as it will be snowing hard for much of the day today. Thankfully, it will not stick very well once we get to about 9...but the roads will be a disaster until then, so many schools are delayed or closed today- check your local listings! The snow will eventually mix with and change to a cold rain for southern Connecticut...but will likely remain all snow in the areas along and north of I-84. map from yesterday should verify nicely and I see no reason to change my forecast.

Beyond today, Tuesday and Wednesday look dry, but not Thursday- it looks like it'll pour all day Thursday and be a total washout, introducing cold air back to the region...before a coastal storm comes close on Saturday, with cold air in place...oh boy...that could be interesting.

Today is the day baseball fans, here we go! Enjoy the season.

Yankee Stadium will be absolutely miserable today with light rain and cold weather- DRESS WARMLY.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Can you believe we're doing this again?

Ooh boy, time for another snow map!

New models are quite aggressive for tomorrow's snow, and this seems to be what we're getting into. Based on this, I think many schools will close, especially inland, so certainly watch the news tomorrow! Snow will develop overnight tonight- it'll be snowing hard for the morning commute for everyone, and other than a mix on the shoreline...I think it will snow all day! Unbelievable. Fans going to Opening Day at the stadium tomorrow...yikes...bundle'll be a cold rain turning to snow! Lovely.