Tuesday, April 19, 2016

4/19- Nothing to talk about

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be pretty decent, with clearing conditions and low 60s for highs which is very near the average for late April...so you can certainly go outside and have fun today.

There is no interesting weather to talk about this week at all for me, as temps will be in the high 60s/low 70s throughout and partly sunny conditions will prevail except for Friday...when some showers are possible, but they shouldn't be a big deal whatsoever. Thus...I'm not going to waste your morning reading this. Go out there and enjoy an incredible next few days!

Today in weather history- April 19, 1996- A major tornado outbreak effects Illinois as 33 tornadoes touch down, some of them as strong as F4 intensity. The town of Ogden is particularly hard hit.

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