Monday, April 11, 2016

4/11- Finally some Spring

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be a classic April day- scattered showers and temperatures that appear to be heading for the mid-50s or so as the cold air finally retreats. Tomorrow looks like it's going to rain all day, sadly, so any outdoor plans will probably have to change (unless you want to get wet). Thankfully, however, the rest of the week looks dry until about Friday night, when another front will bring some rain showers in. Although temperatures will never reach 60 in the next week...we will not have any 40s for highs either. For those who are hoping for no more cold weather...I have bad news as yet another influx of arctic air suddenly appears to be a distinct possibility around the 20th of the month.

Today in weather history- April 11, 1965- The "Palm Sunday tornado outbreak" devastates portions of the Great Lakes region, dropping a whopping 17 F4 tornadoes, which combine to kill 271 people, injure 1,500 more, and cause nearly $6 billion in damage. It's a rather unique event to get that many strong tornadoes on one day in the Great Lakes, which although have fairly frequent tornadoes, are not used to twisters of this intensity. That said, it's certainly a reminder of just how unpredictable weather can be

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