Friday, May 16, 2014

5/16- I hate to do this to my Sound School Friends but...

Good Friday all!

Of all days, I regret to inform you that a STORM WARNING will be in effect from 10 PM tonight until noon tomorrow. A slow moving cold front will drench Connecticut with some extremely heavy rain tonight, and I expect 1.5 to as much as 4 inches of rain. YIKES!! If the trip to Six Flags has any hope, it would be that the heaviest stuff may come either at the very end of the trip or just after we leave at 1...but that will be tough. I'll definitely be bringing my raincoat!! Beyond that, though, the weather clears out and Sunday looks divine with highs in the upper 60s to near 70 inland and mid 60s at the shore.

In the Pacific...tropical development is possible with a low pressure expected to form several hundred miles south of Mexico and moves west northwest. There is a 20% chance of this becoming Tropical Storm Amanda in the next five days.

Today in weather history- May 16, 1876- A lightning bolt strikes a playground during school recess in Rondeau, Ontario, injuring 12 and killing one person.

Keep your fingers crossed everyone!

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