Thursday, May 29, 2014

5/29- Tropical threat decreasing, but rain is coming

Good Thursday all!

An average day is on the way today, albeit a bit chilly. Mostly sunny skies are likely, but I doubt that temps reach the 70s on the shoreline and possibly even inland, so it will be another rather chilly day. I do not expect storms today, but I do tomorrow as a cold front moves through (don't worry, it's not particularly strong, so no sub-freezing temps or anything like that!), followed by some more showers on Saturday, and it appears Sunday is the better of the weekend days before some rain returns next week.

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Amanda is dissipating, but what an incredible storm for May. There is no better way to start the season than with a 155 mph cat 4, and I hope for many more of these in both basins as time progresses!

With regards to the Atlantic tropical storm trying to form- I think it will succeed, but the threat on New England appears to be decreasing for the time being.

Today in weather history- May 29, 1989- Great Falls, Montana records 1 foot of snow, pushing the season total to a record 117.4". Interestingly, despite that region typically getting far more snow than Southern New England, BDL's record is 112.3" set in 1995-1996. It is not that much of a difference! Undoubtedly, though, Great Falls has more winters in the 90" range or so than BDL (2010-11 is the second snowiest winter with around 81" in CT), but it still is fun to look at just how remarkable that winter was!

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