Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5/27- Storms today likely

Good Tuesday everyone- I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend!

Today is going to be very interesting. A backdoor cold front moves through the region today, and with it comes the chance of severe storms. Timing is everything today, a bit late and we get very little activity, whereas a late afternoon timing presents the risk of large hail, damaging winds, and tornadoes. I would be, at the moment inclined to believe somewhere in between with scattered severe storms. I am, however, watching the situation closely! Beyond today, temps moderate and we don't get to 70 until Friday, when more storms are likely.

In the Pacific...Major Hurricane Amanda nearly reached category 5 intensity over the weekend (it missed by one mile per hour). Instead, it is now a 125 mph hurricane moving northeast. As it weakens, it is likely to dump rain in the Southwestern US, which they much need.

Today in weather history- May 27, 1896- A nightmare feared by many today last occurs as a huge tornado hits downtown St. Louis and kills 306 people. If a similar tornado occurred today, the death toll would likely be much, much higher.

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