Wednesday, January 11, 2017

1/11- A Bit More Rain

Good Wednesday all-

You know, it's really not going to be too bad today- actually it'll be pretty fantastic for mid January!! Highs will be in the 50s and with clearing conditions, it's going to feel like spring! Unfortunately, although temps will be even warmer will be with some rain as a cold front moves through and brings the temperatures back down into the low 30s by the weekend. The snow threat appears to have vanished for that time, so we can expect a clear, chilly long weekend before a wintry mix or rain moves in for Tuesday, but that will almost certainly transition to plain rain by Wednesday.

There are no major winter storms in sight!

Today in weather history- January 11, 2008- Snow falls in....Baghdad, IRAQ, for the first time in a century. Not only is that region a very dry area in general...but of course it's really rare for temperatures to be below freezing. To have actually had both those events happen together is a true once in a lifetime scenario!

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