Monday, January 16, 2017

1/16- Ice Ice Baby?

Good Monday all-

A WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY is up for all of Northern Connecticut for tomorrow evening into Wednesday morning.

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day- let's all take the time to think about the peaceful ways that this man inspired change in society & helped make America truly a place where "all men are created equal".

Today is going to be very nice day (at least for the middle of January), featuring mostly sunny skies with temperatures in the low 40s, but things are changing for tomorrow.

Remember that rainstorm that I talked about last week for tomorrow? Well, the cold air has been a bit more stubborn than we thought, and now I expect that at least the northern part of our state is looking at a pretty significant ice event tomorrow afternoon and evening, with up go a quarter or half inch of ice not out of the realm of possibility, especially in northern sections. The NWS is more conservative on this...and that's fine (and possible) but you do have to be aware that it's entirely possible that it is more significant than that. As for the rest of the week, it looks seasonable for January, but by the weekend highs may approach 50(!)...but...beyond that, it does appear that we'll be far colder and snowier as we head into February- which is not surprising, since February is historically our snowiest month by a pretty significant margin- but look at the bright side- spring is practically just around the corner. By the way, for those attending the presidential inauguration on Friday, DC, it appears that there will be showers in the area!! Stay dry!

Today in weather history- January 16, 1831- Parts of Connecticut pick up about 30" of snow as a blizzard stretches from Georgia to Maine, which is a very impressive event indeed!

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