Monday, January 9, 2017

1/9- First Post of the New Year- Looking back on Breanna and Ahead to this Week

Good Monday all-

I'm back!!

Well, I had fully intended to post about Breanna but the Walt Disney World Resort had other I was unable to find enough time to do so. The forecast for the coming week has a bit of issues though- it's a pretty easy forecast, but it's unpleasant!

Today, thankfully, should be dry (though the fact that temperatures are about -4 out there today in spots is not pleasant!)- but enjoy it because this is the last day until maybe next week that we will be completely dry- many separate systems are on the way. Fortunately...only one of them looks predominantly white...but that one is far out there on Saturday or Sunday.

Tomorrow afternoon could be problematic for some, especially in the northern and western part of the state, as the first of these systems moves in. It'll take a bit for temperatures to rise above freezing, and thus a wintry mix is likely at the onset, but it will quickly turn to rain by the evening and rain steadily thorough the evening and into Wednesday. The Thursday and Friday rain is the most iffy of any of the forecasted systems...and it's just showers, so don't worry too much about that. The weekend is what really bears the most watching, as a low from the south moves near New England with a high firmly in place. The end result is that any precip that falls will be snow, and some models put out a moderate (3-6"ish) snow event for that timeframe. It certainly bears watching. More rain is likely behind that storm for Monday and Tuesday, the first day back at WCSU for the Spring '17 semester.

Today in weather history- January 9, 1988- A nor'easter drops up to 14" of snow in Worcester, with Boston picking up 10". Not all that impressive, but it's the only noteworthy weather event of this day.

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