Friday, January 27, 2017

1/27- Not much to Worry About but...Super Sunday to be "Super Snowy"?


Are we in for a treat for the next week or long as you don't mind being cold. I mean, yeah it will feel like January/February precipitation is overly likely anytime soon of note. There is a chance for on and off flurries today and Monday, and maybe a coating to an inch or so of snow on Wednesday but honestly, who cares at this time of year. Temperatures will generally be in the mid 30s through this timeframe, but with pretty gusty winds, especially over the weekend, it will feel like 20s/teens.

The only significant issue on the horizon appears to lie around Super Bowl Sunday...but that could be a highly significiant event indeed, with some models showing a foot or more of snow. Obviously, it's way out there and things can and will change between now and then, but we must be vigilant, especially since it is occurring at a time of year when MANY people will be traveling- if you believe the latest model runs, the snow would start right around kickoff, perhaps the worst possible timing.

^^New GFS showing a monster snowstorm for the night of the Super Bowl. Lovely.

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