Tuesday, February 21, 2017

2/21- Historical Warmth

Hello everyone-

Sorry for not updating lately, but it's because I had nothing to really talk about here. The warmth was, and remains, the top story of the day, with a record high on Sunday and another likely on Thursday. In fact, starting tomorrow, a historic stretch of warmth is likely from tomorrow to Friday, with highs near 60 on Wednesday and Friday, and perhaps even approaching 70 on Thursday!!! As for precipitation, some rain is possible overnight tonight, but the best chance for rain is Saturday, when a cold front moves through, sending the temps back to normal and causing a total washout for the first part of your weekend, whilst Sunday looks dry and seasonable.

Today in weather history- February 21, 1936- Langdon, ND records its' first day above zero degrees in six weeks, and ultimately never records a single day above freezing in the entire three month meteorological winter. That takes some serious cold, even in that part of the country!

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