Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2/22- No Change

Greetings everyone-

My thoughts on the upcoming week or so of weather have not changed at all since yesterday, so I'm not going to bore you. The only thing that I believe warrants mentioning here is that there does appear to be a risk of snow on Tuesday, but that's way out there and it does not appear to be significant at this time whatsoever. Otherwise, get outside and enjoy the 50s and 60s for the next 4 days before we send things back down to more seasonable conditions following the passage of an intense cold front on Saturday night, featuring heavy rain.

Today in weather history- February 22, 1773- Extreme cold causes the extremities on church-goers to freeze as they walk there in New England. Although at first that makes you think that it has to be almost impossibly cold...remember that many people would have had to walk a mile or more to get there in the late 18th century and thus would have quite an exposure to the cold, leading to frostbite!

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