Tuesday, February 28, 2017

2/28- February out Wet, March in like a Lion

Good Tuesday all-

Well, February is going out a bit wet, but what an incredible month it has been, from Blizzard Chris on the 9th to 70+ degree weather, it had a bit of everything. Today it'll be something else- some rain, particularly later in the afternoon. Granted, it won't be a solid rain by any means, but do take your umbrella later on if you want to remain completely dry. Tomorrow looks much wetter than today, and it is likely to feature some severe weather in the afternoon, including hail, strong wind, and tornadoes. This is highly unusual for early March- but remember that Massachusetts was hit by a tornado on Saturday evening, so it can happen! To add insult to injury, I am tracking the risk of some light to moderate snow on Friday, but it does not appear to be all that significant at this time.

Instead of weather history, here's a little tidbit of fun fact for you. Prior to this week, the temperature in February has only reached 70 three times at BDL- 1985, 1954, and 1976. Each of those years featured a Hurricane in CT later that summer (Gloria in 85, Belle in 76, and Carol and Edna in 54). Does that mean we'll get one this year? Who knows...only time will tell.

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