Thursday, April 30, 2015

4/30- Bye bye April...hello tropics?

Good Thursday all-

Well, it's going to be really chilly today and tomorrow, as temps will have a very hard time reaching 60. In fact, I doubt they will succeed at that tomorrow, and temps will be stuck around 55. Fortunately next week looks largely good. A warmup is coming, but 83 and humid isn't exactly pleasant, but it should give us a decent chance at strong to severe thunderstorms on Tuesday night, so that may be interesting for a time as a cold front pushes through and puts the temperature back at a more comfortable 68-73 for the rest of the week.

Now, a month earlier than I should be typing this...

In the Atlantic- Models have been indicating the development of a subtropical or tropical storm off the southeast coast of the United States, stalling it for a bit, and then moving it generally north. The agreement on this much is excellent. Naturally, that puts us here in Connecticut in a highly vulnerable position. Two models...the GFS and the Canadian...say that we're going to get hit by a tropical storm about a week from Saturday. Granted, that's ten days out, so obviously a HUGE amount can (and likely will) change, but it could be uncomfortably close. Unfortunately...though this hurricane season will likely not be very impressive in terms of numbers...the current pattern is likely to steer any storm that forms north of Hispanola generally towards (and eventually up) the eastern our odds of getting hit this year here in New England are probably somewhat higher than usual.

The name list for the 2015 Atlantic hurricane season is the one that was last used in 2009, which featured a paltry 9 named storms, and none were retired. The only storms that you have a chance of remembering unless you really care about hurricanes (like me) are Hurricane Bill- which nearly clocked us- and Hurricane Ida- which did severe damage in the Bay of Campeche before becoming a powerful nor'easter. The names are Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Joaquin, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicolas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, and Wanda.

The official Atlantic hurricane season begins June 1st, but tropical development in May isn't exactly rare, so it wouldn't be totally stunning at all.

Today in weather history- April 30, 1988- A cold front caused unusually strong winds (especially outside of storms)- as high as 90 mph in Southwest Utah downing trees, powerlines, and weak buildings

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

4/29- Status quo

Good Wednesday all- (and HAPPY HUMP DAY!)

This is the good ol' shorty blog update. Nothing has changed since yesterday in terms of forecast. Sunny and low 70s are expected today. That's all I have to say for today- the rest of the week looks 100% identical to what I said yesterday. The only precip chances are Friday afternoon and at some points early next week.

Today in weather history- April 29, 1987- An oddball storm sits off the MA coast in just the right place to deposit as much as 17" of snow in Worcester, and 3" in Boston, to establish record snowfall for this late in the season in those areas.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4/28- Looks like we dodged it for now

Good Tuesday all-

Well, it's rather cloudy this morning, but fortunately the longer it goes the better it will be. I can't rule out a passing shower or two this morning, but really it won't be a big deal whatsoever. Temperatures will likely be in the lower to mid 60s, so while not quite up to'll certainly be better than it has been lately. The day I was concerned looking much better as the storm appears as though it will miss. Granted, though, it's still early, and plenty can change, but for now, the odds have dropped below 25%, so the STORM WATCH is dropped for the time being. As it is, Friday would be partly cloudy with highs very near 60, perhaps a degree or two on either side.

Today in weather history- April 28, 1928- A late season nor'easter drops several feet of snow on the central Appalachians, including 35" at Bayard, WV. Thus, we can see that late season coastal lows like the one we're watching for Friday...while rare...are not unprecedented.

Monday, April 27, 2015

4/27- STORM WATCH- Watching for an oddball Friday

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be fine for the most part, but there also could certainly be showers or even flurries today as the cold weather remains in place. Regardless, they shouldn't be a big deal's Friday I'm concerned about.

There isn't any agreement on the models for now, but a major nor'easter will be nearby. Granted, I really doubt it'll be anything but rain...but it would be an icy cold, pouring rain with several inches of rain (2-3") if we get the storm to make a direct hit. We certainly are not sure of that outcome...but it's certainly worth mentioning as it could cause a genuinely dreadful day on Friday.

Either way, let's just see what happens. Enjoy your Monday!

Today in weather history- April 27, 2011- The 'Super Outbreak of 2011' occurs, dropping an incredible 211 tornadoes touching down in the period from midnight to midnight, the all-time record, surpassing the Super Outbreak of 1978 that many deemed unbreakable. Even more remarkable is that they were very strong. There were ELEVEN EF4 tornadoes and four EF-5's, which ONE happens roughly every two years. Thus, we got a decade's worth of EF5's on the one day. This is still the watermark of all tornado outbreaks, and all that follow will undoubtedly be traced back to this one.

Friday, April 24, 2015

4/24- Still cold


Unfortunately, though, it won't be pleasant in the least. A FREEZE WARNING is up until 8 this morning, but it'll be for everyone again tonight as temps will plummet into the HIGH 20s and low 30s statewide, even right down to the shoreline. Ugh. Anyway, at least we won't be dealing with the precipitation from yesterday. For the most part, it came down as rain and an odd form called graupel-or frozen snowflakes, which I've only seen once prior in my lifetime. Pretty darn cool. Anyway, the weekend will be brisk but dry. Some mixed precipitation is possible on Monday, but it won't be a big deal. A bit more mixed precip is possible on Tuesday, but it may well be mostly (if not totally) rain that time. Thursday holds the next chance for some shower activity...and then Friday could be very interesting, but let's not worry about that- it's still very far off.

Today in weather history- April 24, 1899- A tornado picks up two women, a son, and a horse, carrying them a full quarter mile- high above church steeples...until it gently sets them down gently, leaving them totally uninjured in a field. That happens sometimes in tornadoes, but it's quite the tale, considering that the vast majority of people are not so lucky!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

4/23- BRR!

Good Thursday all-

Wow is it cold this morning. That cold front meant BUSINESS last night, and our temps dropped some 30 degrees in the overnight hours. Now, parts of Connecticut are dealing with SNOW flurries on April 23rd- unbelievable! Unfortunately, the cold isn't exactly going anywhere as we're locked into this chilly pattern for quite some time. Otherwise, there won't be much precipitation in the next week except for showers on Monday and potentially a large nor'easter midweek next week...but it's far too early for details on that as path could change. It's near impossible to get one as snow this time of year, though, so I wouldn't be too concerned as the worst case scenario is probably a 1-2" rainstorm at this time.

Today in weather history- April 23, 1988- A strong storm brings heavy rains to California, but the real story here is in Tustin, where 9 girls were injured after the tree they were taking shelter under was struck by lightning. Let this be a lesson for this summer- DON'T DO THAT- trees are awful places to take shelter from thunderstorms!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

4/22- Thunderstorms today!

Good Wednesday all-

The storm prediction center has placed western Fairfield County under a marginal risk of severe weather. The rest of the state is under a see text risk of severe weather. The storms will be here around 3 or so and continue through much of the afternoon as a powerful cold front moves through Connecticut. It's going to pour torrentially for a time this afternoon for pretty much everyone. I can't rule out small hail and strong gusty winds with these storms either...but be glad there's no tornado risk or anything like that!

Beyond today, the big storyline is downright cold weather that will be with us for quite some time. See my post from yesterday for more info on that- no change to the forecast has occurred.

Today in weather history- April 22, 1990- A strong thunderstorm drops some 8.69" of rain on Cheyanne, OK, leaving some of the town buried under as much as 5ft of water!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

4/21- A chill!

Good Tuesday all-

First, sorry for not posting yesterday, but it happens! Really, I've got no excuses, and for that I'm really sorry. In any event, today is not going to be the greatest day as rain continues through at least this morning. Wethersfield hit the jackpot with 2.14" of rain yesterday- about another 0.25-0.5" is likely through the day today. The rain will be gone by later this afternoon, but return by late Wednesday evening. After that, it's going to be downright cold with temps in the low 50s for highs...and lows below freezing for several days. I can't even rule out some flakes flying by the weekend (yikes!). Sadly, it seems our run of below average temperatures appears to have no end in sight. That 81 on Saturday won't be hit again for quite some time!

Today in weather history- April 21, 1988- After just 12 rainouts in the last twenty-four years, the Dodgers have a doubleheader get rained out...because the two games before also got rained out. Thus, after that record, the Dodgers rain out 4 games in a row!

Friday, April 17, 2015

4/17- STORM WARNING- Great weekend, but miserable beyond


The good news is that after the showers today, we're going to get by far the best day of the year tomorrow with highs in the 70s and bright sunshine! Sunday looks pretty darn good also with temperatures in the mid to upper 60s and sun. Monday, however, looks absolutely dreadful with a 2-4" rainfall statewide with highs barely reaching 50. Eek! As the odds are now much greater than 50% of a 1"+ rainfall in a 12 hour period...a STORM WARNING is up for midnight Sun/Mon to midnight Mon/Tues. In any event, that cold front is extremely powerful. Unfortunately, with some precipitation around on Thursday and cold air with's not out of the realm of possibility for a wintry mix to occur. That's just cruel. Beyond that, the cold air will still be around for next weekend, and there are some indications that a storm will be nearby a week from Sunday. The cold air would still be in it's worth watching, but it shouldn't be too big of a deal. That said, it could change, and I am watching it closely.

Today in weather history- April 17, 1922- An outbreak of tornadoes in Indiana kills 16 people. One of the tornadoes carries a postcard from Madison County, IN, to Mount Cory, OH- some 124 miles!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

4/16- STORM WATCH- Monday mess

Good Thursday all-

Well, unfortunately a huge rainstorm is coming for Monday, but at least the rest of this week looks just fine. Today is chilly this morning, but the weather is going to be bright and sunny with highs in the 60s. Some showers are possible tomorrow...but the weekend looks spectacular- especially Saturday- with highs in the low 70s. Monday is a big problem though as 1-3" of rain is possible (if not just downright likely). Certainly it's a greater than 25% chance, so a STORM WATCH is up for midnight Sun/Mon to midnight Mon/Tue. That said, there's plenty of good weather between now and then, so enjoy it!

Today in weather history- April 16, 1990- A stationary front in the midwest produces strong thunderstorms, as winds gust up to 100mph in Oklahoma...which causes the loss of many federal tax returns prior to the midnight deadline, as the container they were in is blown away!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14- Rain in the morning, clear after

Good Tuesday all-

The forecast remains on track largely...except Saturday's storm does not look nearly as severe as it the odds of 1+" of rain are now less than the storm watch is dropped. Otherwise, I will not bore you by repeating exactly what I typed yesterday...but I will inform you that the rain is nearly finished for the day, as the front is moving through a bit earlier than we thought it when it stops raining this won't do so again until Saturday afternoon, and that does not look like a big deal at the present time.

Today in weather history- April 14, 1989- Golden State, Florida is drenched by 4" of rain in just two hours...causing local flooding on roadways. That's a seriously heavy rainfall- 2"/hr (or, in a winter equivalent, 20" of snow an hour- that's impossible to achieve as it can rain harder in thunderstorms than it can snow because of the relative lack of convective activity in snowstorms)

Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13- STORM WATCH- Saturday mess, but fine till then

Good Monday all-

Well, it's spring break week for a large number of people through Connecticut, and they'll be delighted to know that, for the most part, the weather looks just fine. The only two days that will be trouble are tomorrow...when a cold front brings a line of rain through between around 9 and 3...and Saturday...which could be a total washout...but the weather will be consistently partly cloudy and 60s the other days this week. Believe it or not though, as Saturday's storm departs, there is a chance of snow on the wrap-around. I'm sure pretty much nobody wants this, and it's a bit of a long shot, but not an impossible one, so it's definitely worth watching!

Today in weather history- April 13, 2004- Jackson, TN, picks up its' latest snowfall on record. The snow apparently catches many people off-guard, as six people are killed in traffic accidents on this day.

Friday, April 10, 2015

4/10- Rain

Happy FRIDAY everyone- we've made it!

Unfortunately, we get to celebrate with torrential rain this morning! The rain, fortunately, will quiet down during the day, and we may even see some limited sunshine between about 11-3 today. The problem, though, is that a powerful cold front moves through tonight with rain and thunderstorms. Although the official risk of severe weather is "SEE TEXT", the lowest threat, lightning is always dangerous, so keep your eyes (and ears) to the skies this afternoon. Otherwise, the weekend looks just fine, as does most of next week with the potential exceptions of overnight Wednesday...and all of Friday.

My thoughts and prayers go out to those impacted by the deadly tornado in Illinois near Chicago.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/9- Icky today...better for the weekend

Good Thursday all-

It's a bit chilly out there this morning, and I'm afraid it's going to stay that way as we'll be stuck in kind of misty weather all day today with cloud cover. I don't envy the people going to Yankee Stadium tonight for sure! Tomorrow is going to be bookended by rain, but the middle chunk of the day should be fine. Thunderstorms are even possible tomorrow night, as these storms have been producing hail and tornadoes in the midwest. The SPC has placed lower Fairfield County under a MARGINAL risk of severe weather on Friday...everyone else has a SEE TEXT- the least risk the SPC (Storm Prediction Center- you'll hear plenty from these people this summer- and from the NHC- National Hurricane Center) issues. Next week looks alright, with rainy periods possible Monday night and Thursday.

Today in weather history- April 9, 1947- An impressive tornado strikes Woodward, OK and many other communities. The tornado is 1-2 miles wide, killing 167 people along a 221-mile path. This tornado is the deadliest since 1945- but only just, as the 2011 Joplin tornado killed just 4 fewer people.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4/8- Rain tonight, and tomorrow, and Friday...

Good Wednesday all-

Yikes is it going to be nasty later tonight. It's going to be rainy and very cold tonight...actually, it's going to be cold enough to cause a WINTRY MIX in some places tonight. In fact, a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY has been issued for areas bordering CT to the north...and it wouldn't stun me to see them expanded (it would mildly surprise me though). The rain should begin this afternoon around 3, but really I think there will be scattered showers around before then too. Sadly, tomorrow is a total washout, with torrential rain through most of the day...but Friday now looks much better than it did yesterday, and the weekend now looks dry. Next week, we look to be warming up big time, and some areas may reach 70 on Tuesday...finally. I think we can safely say that...unless something genuinely crazy happens...we are done with the snow this year...a year that will go down as very memorable...especially for northeastern parts of Connecticut, who saw more than 30" of snow on 1/27 from Blizzard Colbie, and jackpotted on many other storms this year as well. The record this year of seven named storms (Ariana, Blake, Colbie, Darius, Ellie, Faith, and Gavin) will be very, very hard to beat in future years. Of that group, six of them (Blake to Gavin) came in a six week utterly ridiculous pace. It's been an incredible winter...and one that will be talked about for years, especially for our friends in Boston.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

4/7- Messy!

Good Tuesday all-

Well, rain is the theme of the week starting today. Rain is going to develop through the day, and will get heavier the longer you wait around. The rain will depart tomorrow morning, but will return by about 3 tomorrow afternoon, but may well hold off with the heaviest stuff until after nightfall...which may change to snow in Litchfield county and coat the ground up. Unbelievable! In any event, only scattered showers are likely for Thursday before it basically pours most of the day Friday. Saturday may feature scattered showers, but Sunday and next Monday look fine before more pouring rain next Tuesday. We can't catch a break!

If I had to guess, the Yankees should get most of, if not all of, their games in this week as the heaviest stuff is timed nicely for them.

Today in weather history- April 7, 1935- A monster dust storm strikes Amarillo, Texas, causing 0 visibility, an event which happened some twenty-seven of the thirty days in April this month.

Monday, April 6, 2015

4/6- Genuinely Dreadful weather week ahead

Good Monday all-

Well, this week looks wetter than the ocean, but it begins tomorrow, not today. Today itself should be fine with temps in the mid to upper 50s and sunshine. Keep in mind that although this will feel unusually's very near the average for this time of year. The rest of the week, however, will feature scattered showers at all times. The rainiest periods, featuring widespread heavy rain, will occur tomorrow night and Thursday night. The rest of the time, it'll be showery...but what do you really expect in as long as you are alright with getting a bit's not much to worry about. Next weekend looks really cold as Friday's cold front moves through...and there may be some lows in the twenties and highs in the 40s next weekend...before spring arrives for good next week.

Today in weather history- April 6, 1936- A disastrous tornado outbreak clobbers the south and 'Dixie Alley', which certainly sees its' fair share of strong tornadoes. Gainesville, GA and Tupelo, MS get clobbered by extremely strong tornadoes. These kill over two hundred people EACH and injure over 2000.

In the meantime, for baseball fans-

You've made it! Eat the hot dogs and cracker jacks, and enjoy a fantastic season. Best of luck to your favorite team!!

Friday, April 3, 2015

4/3- STORM WARNING- Torrential Rain tonight...but at least most of Easter looks decent


And for those who celebrate it, happy Good Friday (this is why I never actually open my posts with 'Good Friday all'). Today is going to get progressively worse the longer you wait. Granted, highs will be in the MID 60s! But by tonight, it's going to be pouring, and as much as 1 inch of rain is possible. The odds that a town will get this amount is greater than the STORM WARNING is up for tonight. Granted, I think many will fall just short and pick up around 0.8" of rain or so...but that's still plenty. Tomorrow looks fine, albeit really cold with highs struggling to reach 50. Easter looks much the same, but Sunday night some snow, yes SNOW moves in, and there's an outside chance of a light accumulation as a clipper moves through. In any event, next week looks just awful, as the middle three days of the week look very wet and very cold with highs in the mid-40s.

Enjoy your holiday weekend- I'll see you on Monday!

Today in weather history- April 3, 1974- The legendary "Super Outbreak" occurs as a monster tornado outbreak occurs. A ridiculous THIRTY tornadoes are rated either F4 or F5, and 7 are F5s, which generally only occur once every year and a half and 319 people are killed. In all, 148 tornadoes occurred on this day, establishing the all time record. Incredibly, this record was broken in 2011, but I'll have more details on that on April 27.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

4/2- Nice Easter's getting there that's the problem

Good Thursday all (though it may as well be Friday!)

Today is going to be one of the best days of the year so far! Temperatures will reach the mid-50s today, and perhaps even be a bit above average! The problem lies tomorrow and Saturday, when a front immediately followed by a large low pressure system moves through. The snow threat is gone with this, as the models stopped trending south...but there is now a >25% chance of 1"+ of the STORM WATCH remains for that reason...and shall almost undoubtedly remain until we get through. The storm is gone by Saturday afternoon though...and Easter itself looks cold, with scattered flurries and showers around. Next week looks to feature some snow on Tuesday...and perhaps some more near the end of the week, though that's WAY out. Don't worry too much about that yet though, as it's a long shot to be anything significant.

If that doesn't pan out, we may be done with snow this winter at long last. There are signs of the pattern really breaking down by mid month, and that is key to ending this months-long cold disaster.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

4/1- STORM WATCH- Dangerous trend for Saturday, but still alright for now...

Good Wednesday all-

It's April Fools Day, which I despise. I will not make April Fools jokes in here- this is a weather blog everything that follows is 100% true, I promise :)

Today is going to be just fine, albeit a bit chilly with mid-40s and sunny skies. Don't get used to it though, because two really bad days of weather are just around the corner Friday and Saturday. Fortunately, temps on Friday are going to be really warm...a whole 5 degrees above average! In fact, that really is noteworthy, as it would be just the eighth day in 2015 to be above average. That said, why is the STORM WATCH still there for Saturday? See below.

A highly complex setup is developing for Saturday. A trough will be dropping south in the central US. Exactly how far this drops is key. There's a chance that it could force the storm to redevelop either very near or off the coast...which would naturally be a big problem. Both the GFS and Euro have moved some 150 miles east overnight...and take the storm pretty much directly over our heads. More concerning is the GFS...which puts the storm very dangerously close to the benchmark...but probably 50-100 miles north of it, which would be a rainstorm, as due east winds aren't a problem. That said, the odds, naturally, still favor a rainstorm. Despite this...the STORM WATCH remains another day because of the east trend on models. It'll need to continue today for me to keep it for Thursday, however.

Today in weather history- April 1, 1997- I bet a bunch of people remember this one. A monster nor'easter passes directly over the 40/70 benchmark, causing an incredibly bizarre monster snowstorm in April. Blizzard conditions occur from Boston to Connecticut, and as much as two to three feet of snow fall in the suburbs of Boston.

image credit:

For baseball fans, one of our favorite days of the year. Enjoy the season! 5 days to Opening Day.