Tuesday, April 14, 2015

4/14- Rain in the morning, clear after

Good Tuesday all-

The forecast remains on track largely...except Saturday's storm does not look nearly as severe as it did...so the odds of 1+" of rain are now less than 25%...so the storm watch is dropped. Otherwise, I will not bore you by repeating exactly what I typed yesterday...but I will inform you that the rain is nearly finished for the day, as the front is moving through a bit earlier than we thought it would...so when it stops raining this morning...it won't do so again until Saturday afternoon, and that does not look like a big deal at the present time.

Today in weather history- April 14, 1989- Golden State, Florida is drenched by 4" of rain in just two hours...causing local flooding on roadways. That's a seriously heavy rainfall- 2"/hr (or, in a winter equivalent, 20" of snow an hour- that's impossible to achieve as it can rain harder in thunderstorms than it can snow because of the relative lack of convective activity in snowstorms)

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