Monday, April 27, 2015

4/27- STORM WATCH- Watching for an oddball Friday

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be fine for the most part, but there also could certainly be showers or even flurries today as the cold weather remains in place. Regardless, they shouldn't be a big deal's Friday I'm concerned about.

There isn't any agreement on the models for now, but a major nor'easter will be nearby. Granted, I really doubt it'll be anything but rain...but it would be an icy cold, pouring rain with several inches of rain (2-3") if we get the storm to make a direct hit. We certainly are not sure of that outcome...but it's certainly worth mentioning as it could cause a genuinely dreadful day on Friday.

Either way, let's just see what happens. Enjoy your Monday!

Today in weather history- April 27, 2011- The 'Super Outbreak of 2011' occurs, dropping an incredible 211 tornadoes touching down in the period from midnight to midnight, the all-time record, surpassing the Super Outbreak of 1978 that many deemed unbreakable. Even more remarkable is that they were very strong. There were ELEVEN EF4 tornadoes and four EF-5's, which ONE happens roughly every two years. Thus, we got a decade's worth of EF5's on the one day. This is still the watermark of all tornado outbreaks, and all that follow will undoubtedly be traced back to this one.

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