Monday, April 13, 2015

4/13- STORM WATCH- Saturday mess, but fine till then

Good Monday all-

Well, it's spring break week for a large number of people through Connecticut, and they'll be delighted to know that, for the most part, the weather looks just fine. The only two days that will be trouble are tomorrow...when a cold front brings a line of rain through between around 9 and 3...and Saturday...which could be a total washout...but the weather will be consistently partly cloudy and 60s the other days this week. Believe it or not though, as Saturday's storm departs, there is a chance of snow on the wrap-around. I'm sure pretty much nobody wants this, and it's a bit of a long shot, but not an impossible one, so it's definitely worth watching!

Today in weather history- April 13, 2004- Jackson, TN, picks up its' latest snowfall on record. The snow apparently catches many people off-guard, as six people are killed in traffic accidents on this day.

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