Thursday, April 9, 2015

4/9- Icky today...better for the weekend

Good Thursday all-

It's a bit chilly out there this morning, and I'm afraid it's going to stay that way as we'll be stuck in kind of misty weather all day today with cloud cover. I don't envy the people going to Yankee Stadium tonight for sure! Tomorrow is going to be bookended by rain, but the middle chunk of the day should be fine. Thunderstorms are even possible tomorrow night, as these storms have been producing hail and tornadoes in the midwest. The SPC has placed lower Fairfield County under a MARGINAL risk of severe weather on Friday...everyone else has a SEE TEXT- the least risk the SPC (Storm Prediction Center- you'll hear plenty from these people this summer- and from the NHC- National Hurricane Center) issues. Next week looks alright, with rainy periods possible Monday night and Thursday.

Today in weather history- April 9, 1947- An impressive tornado strikes Woodward, OK and many other communities. The tornado is 1-2 miles wide, killing 167 people along a 221-mile path. This tornado is the deadliest since 1945- but only just, as the 2011 Joplin tornado killed just 4 fewer people.

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