Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4/28- Looks like we dodged it for now

Good Tuesday all-

Well, it's rather cloudy this morning, but fortunately the longer it goes the better it will be. I can't rule out a passing shower or two this morning, but really it won't be a big deal whatsoever. Temperatures will likely be in the lower to mid 60s, so while not quite up to average...it'll certainly be better than it has been lately. The day I was concerned about...Friday...is looking much better as the storm appears as though it will miss. Granted, though, it's still early, and plenty can change, but for now, the odds have dropped below 25%, so the STORM WATCH is dropped for the time being. As it is, Friday would be partly cloudy with highs very near 60, perhaps a degree or two on either side.

Today in weather history- April 28, 1928- A late season nor'easter drops several feet of snow on the central Appalachians, including 35" at Bayard, WV. Thus, we can see that late season coastal lows like the one we're watching for Friday...while rare...are not unprecedented.

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