Monday, November 30, 2015

11/30- Goodbye November

Good Monday all-

I hope everyone had a truly special Thanksgiving holiday and that you are now ready to shift your attention to Christmas- just 26 days away!

Today is going to be a rather nippy day overall, with highs in the mid-40s and sunshine, but still below average for this time of year. Tomorrow, however, clouds build in and we will experience rain moving in (and maybe some scattered freezing rain in the very highest of elevations(1000ft+)). Regardless, any frozen precip will quickly shift over to all rain, and it's going to pour essentially all night on Tuesday evening and most of Wednesday, and by the time all is said and done, as much as one inch of rain will have fallen on Connecticut.

The end of the week is a complex setup...but if everything comes together right could yield the first true snow event of the season. Granted, it wouldn't be anything major unless the cold air gets in faster...though the 06z gfs is awfully close on Thursday...but models do agree on a disturbance moving through on Friday that...if timed properly...could drop as much as 1-3" of snow in a worst case scenario. Again, nothing to impactful, but worth watching regardless.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development anytime soon.

Today, November 30, 2015, ends both the Atlantic and Pacific hurricane seasons. The final totals for the Atlantic of 11-4-2...are almost exactly the average for the basin...with the most notable storm of the season being Hurricane Joaquin, which nearly reached cat.5 intensity in the Bahamas and gave us in Connecticut a bit of a scare in early October.

The Pacific's final totals of among the most active on record for the Pacific basin. In fact, the 11 major hurricanes breaks the all time record for the most on record...while the 16 hurricanes ties 1990, 1992, and 2014 for the most on record in a season. The most notable storm here was late October's Hurricane Patricia- the most intense hurricane recorded in the Atlantic or Pacific having reached 200mph winds, and the first ever category 5 landfall from the Pacific basin.

Today in weather history- November 30, 1875- A ridiculously early season cold snap sends temperatures in New England and the rest of the northeast to amazing levels, with temps ranging from +5 in New -13 in Eastport, ME. Boston was at -2!!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

2015-16 Winter Storm Names

Hey everyone-

I just want to inform you that WFSB has announced that the theme of this year's name list for winter storms will be former first ladies of the US.

And they are
aaaaaand Jacqueline!

Note that Barbara is the first repeat name in recent memory, having been the name of a run-of-the-mill nor'easter in February 2010 that dropped about 10" statewide. They tend to not reuse names, but sometimes it's unavoidable. It certainly helps that it was not a huge event- they'd have a hard time justifying the use of "Larry" (Blizzard of 1978) or "Charlotte" (Blizzard of 2013) again...

Have a splendid Thanksgiving!!! :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11/25- Getting warmer

Good Wednesday all-

It's going to be a beautiful Thanksgiving!!! In fact, temps will be in the mid-50s by tomorrow, and no precipitation is expected!! Black Friday looks even nicer with temps in the 60s!! For today, I think it'll be a bit chiller- let's go with about 45-50, with sunny skies, so all in all, it really is a pretty darn good day for your Thanksgiving travel! Some scattered showers are possible Saturday, with chillier temps coming in briefly before moderating next week, with a rain event likely somewhere between Tuesday and Thursday, followed by a substantial snow threat over the weekend of 12/5-12/6...but that's way too far off to warrant even more than a passing mention...though it's significant enough to get mentioned, so make of it what you wish.

In the Atlantic- No development is expected

In the Pacific- Sandra has become a hurricane, and now packs 85mph winds and it's possible that it will become a major hurricane before skirting the Baja Peninsula and hitting mainland Mexico, likely at tropical storm intensity.

The hurricane season ends this upcoming Monday.

As I won't be able to update due to lack of internet until Sunday...I wish everyone an extremely happy Thanksgiving and hope that you find all the deals you want on Black Friday. The holiday season is finally here...enjoy it!! :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

11/24- Tame Turkeys!

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be just fine, albeit on the cold side, temps will be in the mid-40s at most today, but they'll steadily climb until we are near 60 on Friday, which is just 5 degrees of the record for November 27. That's awesome! Unfortunately, all good things must end, and the warmth will end on Saturday with rain possibly mixing with or changing to snow at the end but with no accumulation. With regards to next week, the Euro gave everyone a scare by dropping over a foot of snow statewide a week from today...but it has since backed off and shows significant rain instead...which is more likely anyway this early in the winter.

In the Atlantic- development is expected!

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Sandra formed yesterday and packs 45mph winds. It's expected to become a hurricane shortly as it heads towards Mexico, just south of...or directly over...the Baja Peninsula.

There are now just 6 days remaining in the hurricane season.

Today in weather history- November 24, 1988- The peak of a raging Colorado snowstorm, which features 40" of snow in Wolf Creek Pass, with 27" of those falling in 24 hours. That's pretty impressive, but remember that in 2013, all 40" of snow that fell in Hamden fell in a single 24 hour period!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

11/19- Totally miserable

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a horrible day for outdoor activities. A cold front will be moving through later tonight, and it's bringing pouring rain with it. The rain should begin very near 2:00 or so and be relatively light through the evening commute, but by 8 or so it's going to be absolutely pouring and, although it'll be gone by tomorrow morning, as much as 2" of rain will have fallen statewide. To make matters worse, it's going to be pretty darned cold the next few days. Tomorrow won't be too bad, but Saturday we won't get to 50 whereas on Sunday we will, after experiencing a wintry mix in the morning, we will be hard pressed to hit 45...winter is what it feels like for sure.

In the Atlantic- Zzzzz....

In the Pacific- Tropical Depression 21-E has formed and will probably become Tropical Storm Rick today...but it poses no threat to land.

Today in weather history- November 19, 1981- A snowstorm that drops 12" of snow on Minneapolis causes the roof of the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome, the home of the Vikings and Twins, to collapse in on itself, causing major repair work to be done to get it back in working condition!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

11/18- Pretty calm, awful tomorrow night

Good afternoon-

Today, we're experiencing a rather chilly day- temps generally in the 50s, and that will continue tomorrow...but tomorrow rain will be developing in the afternoon hours. A very large amount of liquid- 1-3"- will fall tomorrow night, clearing way for a very cold weekend- I doubt we'll see 50 at all anywhere this time- and the possibility of snow showers certainly exists on Sunday morning. Early next week looks dry for the moment.

An early look at Thanksgiving suggests partly cloudy with somewhat mild temperatures (50s). That said, it's so far out that it will likely change somehow!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

PM Update

Hey everyone-

I just wanted to inform everyone that there are 2 snow chances now- Sunday in Tuesday, in completely unrelated events. Additionally, a Greenland Block will likely cause a VERY snowy and cold December. This pattern is concerning as this suggests many storms, cold air, and often can cause storm after storm...let's see what happens, but this could be QUITE the start to winter.

11/17- Sorry!

Good Tuesday all-

First off, I apologize tremendously for not updating for the last two days as I have been running around in the morning, alas that is no longer the case, so let's talk weather. Today, and much of this week, will be typical November- temperatures in the low to mid-50s and sunshine...well, except for Thursday night, when it's going to be pouring!! The other interesting bit of weather comes on Sunday, when a clipper should bring a round of light to even moderate snow at times, and some of the unluckier towns in the hills could get an inch of snow on Sunday morning, as shown below. It's also interesting to note something else- a secondary low developing off the MA coast. As it is, the two do not come together, and they likely won't, but if the clipper comes in slightly quicker, this could get significantly more interesting.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development anytime soon.

Today in weather history- November 17, 1927- A weak late season tornado strikes downtown Washington, DC with 93mph winds and causing minor damage

Thursday, November 12, 2015

11/12- Wet again

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be almost a carbon copy of yesteraday, except in reverse as rain will be developing through the day and by later this evening, it'll be a steady moderate rain falling through the evening. It won't be especially heavy- only about 0.25" of rain are expected- but it'll be enough that you'll want to bring that umbrella to work for the day. The rest of this week looks to be dry, though I can't rule out a flurry or two Saturday morning in the western half of CT, but very cold. There does appear, however, to be a warmup next week with 60s on Tuesday and Wednesday...and then a close call from a coastal low next weekend with cold air nearby but likely staying slightly offshore.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- Kate has met it's doom as expected in the icy waters of the north Atlantic, and nothing bears watching right now.

Today in weather history- November 12, 2003- A thunderstorm strangely hits LA, dropping 5" of rain on the city in two hours and as much as two inches of hail in parts of the city, knocking out power to over 100,000 people.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11/10- Just bad...

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be rather miserable, I'm afraid, as rain will be developing throughout the day. The rain will steadily get heavier and more widespread through the day until it's pouring everywhere for later tonight, by the end of which most areas should recieve .5-1" of rain. This is in association with a coastal low that...had this been January...would have produced 5-10" of snow...we're not that far off from the big ones now! Moving ahead, another rainstorm is likely for Thursday night. By the end of the week, we'll have been totally drenched...but we'll dry out for the weekend- though it'll be rather nippy as temps won't be anywhere near other words, it'll be almost exactly average for mid-November.

My eyes are watching for the first major snowstorm of the winter, but nothing catches them at the moment.

WSI has released the winter outlook for the year, forecasting above normal temps and precip. What this means is likely that areas along and north of I-84 (where the elevation is 500ft+) will likely experience above average snow, while the shoreline will likely have below average snow as rain falls there instead of the white stuff.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Kate formed yesterday, and now packs 60mph winds as it moves away from the Bahamas and poses no threat to land (because of the storm we're getting today).

The Pacific remains quiet.

Today in weather history- November 10, 1988- An unnaturally strong low in Ontario buffets western New York with extreme winds, which gust as high as 70mph in Niagara Falls, NY. Four people are injured in Rome, NY when a tree falls on their car.

Monday, November 9, 2015

11/9- Wet week ahead

Good Monday all (If that's possible...)

Today is going to be a beautiful day as today's temperatures will climb up to the high 50s or low 60s today with mostly sunny skies. Sadly, the weather is going to be a predominantly wet week. Tomorrow afternoon, showers will be introduced into the forecast as a low moves just to our south. In January...this would yield a major snowstorm. Instead, it's some showers that last into the day on Wednesday. They'll clear out, but then rain returns with a cold front on Thursday afternoon...leading to a sunny but bitterly cold weekend.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Depression #12 formed this morning practically right over the Bahamas, and tropical storm watches have been issued for them. After that, although it poses no further threat to land (except perhaps Bermuda)'ll likely become Tropical Storm Kate, the 11th named storm of the 2015 hurricane season...which looks to finish at near average.

In the Pacific- No development anytime soon.

Three weeks from today is the last day of the hurricane season in both basins.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a full 20 degrees above average! Highs should reach the High 60s or low 70s today as temperatures soar from the average, which we experienced at approximately 6:45 this morning. Truly remarkable. Tomorrow, in fact, will be even warmer, and we may well break the record for 11/6. Sadly, all good things must end, and this warmth will end tomorrow as a cold front moves through with some rain showers, knocking the temps back down to normal. The weekend looks largely dry, though I can't rule out flurries on Sunday. That week looks warm as well, but it also looks to feature a torrential rainstorm about a week from today.

In the Atlantic- A low entering the Gulf has some potential for development as it goes over warm water, but it has limited time to do so before a front will increase the wind shear, causing it not to be able to develop.

In the Pacific- Zzzz...

There are just 25 days until the end of the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Today in weather history- November 5, 1894- On election day, a monster nor'easter strikes Connecticut and drops as much as one foot of snow on the region, along with 60mph wind. This is unusually early, certainly...but not ludicrously, as we all remember the feat was duplicated almost identically just 3 years ago on November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11/3- Beautiful day to Head to the Polls

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be a beautiful day, along with the rest of the week, albeit with a slight risk of showers on Friday as a cold front moves through, which will knock the temperatures back down, but amazingly there is no precipitation in sight. All in all, 70s from today until Friday, with 50s beyond that, which is near average for early November, or slightly below.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development anytime soon

Today in weather history- November 3, 1890- Somehow, Los Angeles records a high of 96 degrees, a record which would stand for nearly a century before finally falling in 1966.

Monday, November 2, 2015

11/2- Amazing week ahead

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be beautiful, with highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine throughout. Remarkably, this will be the worst day of the next 5, as temps continue to climb and eventually reach the 70s by Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with sunshine around...though a few showers are possible on Friday. On Saturday, however, a large storm will pass just to our north, but the effects will reach into our region as the temps plummet to well below freezing over the weekend, with snow showers possible on Sunday. An early look at next week appears to be seasonable and dry.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development anytime soon

Today in weather history- November 2, 1988- Portland, ME records a November record 4.52" of rain in 24 hours from a large low pressure system off the coast, and winds gust to hurricane intensity in shoreline parts of the state, especially in the eastern sections.