Thursday, November 12, 2015

11/12- Wet again

Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be almost a carbon copy of yesteraday, except in reverse as rain will be developing through the day and by later this evening, it'll be a steady moderate rain falling through the evening. It won't be especially heavy- only about 0.25" of rain are expected- but it'll be enough that you'll want to bring that umbrella to work for the day. The rest of this week looks to be dry, though I can't rule out a flurry or two Saturday morning in the western half of CT, but very cold. There does appear, however, to be a warmup next week with 60s on Tuesday and Wednesday...and then a close call from a coastal low next weekend with cold air nearby but likely staying slightly offshore.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- Kate has met it's doom as expected in the icy waters of the north Atlantic, and nothing bears watching right now.

Today in weather history- November 12, 2003- A thunderstorm strangely hits LA, dropping 5" of rain on the city in two hours and as much as two inches of hail in parts of the city, knocking out power to over 100,000 people.

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