Wednesday, November 25, 2015

11/25- Getting warmer

Good Wednesday all-

It's going to be a beautiful Thanksgiving!!! In fact, temps will be in the mid-50s by tomorrow, and no precipitation is expected!! Black Friday looks even nicer with temps in the 60s!! For today, I think it'll be a bit chiller- let's go with about 45-50, with sunny skies, so all in all, it really is a pretty darn good day for your Thanksgiving travel! Some scattered showers are possible Saturday, with chillier temps coming in briefly before moderating next week, with a rain event likely somewhere between Tuesday and Thursday, followed by a substantial snow threat over the weekend of 12/5-12/6...but that's way too far off to warrant even more than a passing mention...though it's significant enough to get mentioned, so make of it what you wish.

In the Atlantic- No development is expected

In the Pacific- Sandra has become a hurricane, and now packs 85mph winds and it's possible that it will become a major hurricane before skirting the Baja Peninsula and hitting mainland Mexico, likely at tropical storm intensity.

The hurricane season ends this upcoming Monday.

As I won't be able to update due to lack of internet until Sunday...I wish everyone an extremely happy Thanksgiving and hope that you find all the deals you want on Black Friday. The holiday season is finally here...enjoy it!! :)

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