Thursday, November 5, 2015


Good Thursday all-

Today is going to be a full 20 degrees above average! Highs should reach the High 60s or low 70s today as temperatures soar from the average, which we experienced at approximately 6:45 this morning. Truly remarkable. Tomorrow, in fact, will be even warmer, and we may well break the record for 11/6. Sadly, all good things must end, and this warmth will end tomorrow as a cold front moves through with some rain showers, knocking the temps back down to normal. The weekend looks largely dry, though I can't rule out flurries on Sunday. That week looks warm as well, but it also looks to feature a torrential rainstorm about a week from today.

In the Atlantic- A low entering the Gulf has some potential for development as it goes over warm water, but it has limited time to do so before a front will increase the wind shear, causing it not to be able to develop.

In the Pacific- Zzzz...

There are just 25 days until the end of the Atlantic Hurricane Season.

Today in weather history- November 5, 1894- On election day, a monster nor'easter strikes Connecticut and drops as much as one foot of snow on the region, along with 60mph wind. This is unusually early, certainly...but not ludicrously, as we all remember the feat was duplicated almost identically just 3 years ago on November 8, 2012

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