Tuesday, November 24, 2015

11/24- Tame Turkeys!

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be just fine, albeit on the cold side, temps will be in the mid-40s at most today, but they'll steadily climb until we are near 60 on Friday, which is just 5 degrees of the record for November 27. That's awesome! Unfortunately, all good things must end, and the warmth will end on Saturday with rain possibly mixing with or changing to snow at the end but with no accumulation. With regards to next week, the Euro gave everyone a scare by dropping over a foot of snow statewide a week from today...but it has since backed off and shows significant rain instead...which is more likely anyway this early in the winter.

In the Atlantic- Zzzz...no development is expected!

In the Pacific- Tropical Storm Sandra formed yesterday and packs 45mph winds. It's expected to become a hurricane shortly as it heads towards Mexico, just south of...or directly over...the Baja Peninsula.

There are now just 6 days remaining in the hurricane season.

Today in weather history- November 24, 1988- The peak of a raging Colorado snowstorm, which features 40" of snow in Wolf Creek Pass, with 27" of those falling in 24 hours. That's pretty impressive, but remember that in 2013, all 40" of snow that fell in Hamden fell in a single 24 hour period!!!

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