Tuesday, November 17, 2015

11/17- Sorry!

Good Tuesday all-

First off, I apologize tremendously for not updating for the last two days as I have been running around in the morning, alas that is no longer the case, so let's talk weather. Today, and much of this week, will be typical November- temperatures in the low to mid-50s and sunshine...well, except for Thursday night, when it's going to be pouring!! The other interesting bit of weather comes on Sunday, when a clipper should bring a round of light to even moderate snow at times, and some of the unluckier towns in the hills could get an inch of snow on Sunday morning, as shown below. It's also interesting to note something else- a secondary low developing off the MA coast. As it is, the two do not come together, and they likely won't, but if the clipper comes in slightly quicker, this could get significantly more interesting.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development anytime soon.

Today in weather history- November 17, 1927- A weak late season tornado strikes downtown Washington, DC with 93mph winds and causing minor damage

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