Monday, November 2, 2015

11/2- Amazing week ahead

Good Monday all-

Today is going to be beautiful, with highs in the mid-60s and bright sunshine throughout. Remarkably, this will be the worst day of the next 5, as temps continue to climb and eventually reach the 70s by Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday with sunshine around...though a few showers are possible on Friday. On Saturday, however, a large storm will pass just to our north, but the effects will reach into our region as the temps plummet to well below freezing over the weekend, with snow showers possible on Sunday. An early look at next week appears to be seasonable and dry.

In the Atlantic & Pacific- No development anytime soon

Today in weather history- November 2, 1988- Portland, ME records a November record 4.52" of rain in 24 hours from a large low pressure system off the coast, and winds gust to hurricane intensity in shoreline parts of the state, especially in the eastern sections.

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