Wednesday, August 19, 2015

8/19- Tropics awaken

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be a beautiful--albeit hot--day, with temps in the low 90s and (for the most part) sunny skies. Unfortunately, though, a cold front is going to be moving through the region tonight, causing showers and storms. I don't think they'll be severe, and we'll duplicate this tomorrow before Friday looks like a real soaker as the front stalls, essentially, right over Connecticut. The weekend looks highly unsettled right now and, while neither Saturday nor Sunday will be a washout, there will be scattered showers and storms on both days. The main story of next week appears to be the exact track of a new tropical system- likely to be named Tropical Storm Erika- as it may well pose a threat to (especially) Cape Cod...and that's too close for comfort, so we'll see what happens. I do not believe it is likely that our region experiences tropical storm conditions at this time.

In the Atlantic- Aside from the aforementioned area near Bermuda, Tropical Storm Danny did indeed form yesterday, and today it features 50mph winds roughly halfway between the Cape Verdes and the lesser Antilles. The storm will likely become Hurricane Danny shortly, then move through the northern part of the Antilles and Puerto Rico before eventually turning north around a ridge...but as it's unclear where that will happen, any and all options remain in play for this one.

Today in weather history- August 19, 1788- A very small but intense hurricane manages to hit New England, causing rather severe damage from New Jersey to Maine...but not much harm is done, as the region was not nearly as populated then as it is now. Should this happen today...well let's just say it would really not be good.

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