Wednesday, August 26, 2015

8/26- Watching Erika...quiet weather week

Good Wednesday all-

Today is going to be simply one of (if not the) best days of the year as temperatures will struggle to reach 80--with very little humidity. I have no doubt my temperature here is in the 50s...which feels really nice! The good (or bad) news is that there's no precipitation likely in the next week or so either, with temperatures in the low to mid 80s doing it for temperatures until Monday, when we start a climb back towards hot and humid weather.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Erika gave forecasters a fright overnight by nearly dying in the east Caribbean...but it's regained it's former strength this morning and will survive. The question now turns to track, and it seems South Florida is the place for the time being...but even if it hits there, it's possible the storm exits the coast again without losing much strength at all. It's going to be interesting for the entire east let's just see what happens.

In the Pacific- There has been no change since yesterday.

Today in weather history- August 26, 1992- Hurricane Andrew makes its' final landfall in Louisiana at category 3 hurricane, before moving inland and rather quickly dying out, but not before becoming just the third category 5 US landfall in history upon it's landfall in Homestead, FL two days prior--it remains the most recent one to do so

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