Tuesday, August 25, 2015

8/25- Severe weather today--tropical trouble?

Good Tuesday all-

Today is going to be a rather miserable day as it is going to feature severe weather. The SPC has placed us under a MARGINAL risk of severe weather, with which I'm inclined to agree. The biggest threats today will be small hail and flooding rains, but an isolated tornado can't be ruled out either. The good news? This is a cold front that will send our temperatures plummeting to the ground, and we may not even reach 80 tomorrow. The weekend looks great at the moment- highs in the low to mid 80s and bright sunshine on both days. Beyond that, though, all eyes will turn to Tropical Storm Erika...see below.

In the Atlantic- Tropical Storm Erika has formed in the Atlantic very near where Hurricane Danny was a few days ago...but unlike him, Erika should actually strengthen as it continues westward. By 5 days, we're probably going to be looking at category 2 hurricane Erika sitting in the Bahamas and moving north. This means it poses a threat to New England...but it could also go out to sea (many models are showing this). I think there's about a 25% chance of tropical cyclone conditions in Connecticut next week at this time...so a storm watch is only 5% away. If trends on the models continue...a storm watch could be issued as soon as tonight or tomorrow morning. Otherwise, no development is expected.

In the Pacific- One of the lows discussed yesterday has become TD 12-E, and it will probably become Tropical Storm (and eventually Hurricane) Ignacio, but it poses no threat to land. Elsewhere, Hurricane Loke passed through the Hermes and Pearl Atoll yesterday with 75mph winds, but it now poses no threat to any land as it spins in the north Pacific.

Today in weather history- August 25, 2005- Tropical Storm Katrina strengthens into Hurricane Katrina for the first time, making landfall in Fort Lauderdale, FL with 85mph sustained winds. The storm would weaken back to a tropical storm as it crossed FL, but then rapidly intensified in the Gulf and the rest, as they say, is history.

I leave you by urging you to keep an eye on Tropical Storm Erika through the day today. It could be a very close call for the entire coast...

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