Monday, August 31, 2015

8/31- 500th post, historic hurricane for Cape Verde

Good Monday all-

This week is going to be unbearably least that'll be the storyline today. Temperatures will be right around 90 from today until Friday, with oppressive humidity as well! Yikes! Thursday night, thankfully, we clear the heat with a round of thunderstorms before leading into a very nice looking weekend and beyond. There's really not much to talk about today!

In the Atlantic- Hurricane Fred has become the first hurricane ever to directly hit Cape Verde, and when any storm achieves something that no storm in over 170 years has done, you know you're amazingly lucky to see it. It will continue to move through those islands today before weakening and eventually dying in the central Atlantic posing no other threat to land. On the positive side, there's no sign of Grace anytime in the near future.

In the Pacific- Hurricane Jimena is nearing Category 5 intensity, but it poses no threat to land whatsoever (fortunately). Additionally, Hurricane Ignacio is passing well east of Hawaii, but again poses no threat to anyone.

Today is the 500th post on this blog- I thank you for reading this for the last year and a half- it's really fun for me as well!

Today is also the final day of meteorological summer, which I will have a recap of tomorrow.

Today in weather history- August 31, 1954- Hurricane Carol becomes the strongest hurricane to make a Connecticut landfall since 1938, striking the state as a high-end category 2, packing 105mph winds, and doing severe wind damage and flooding to the state and surrounding areas. By comparison, Sandy's peak wind gust in CT was about 85mph. Ouch!

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